Amazon Smile Helper
Verifies if is signed-in and if so redirects to to ensure purchases count towards the %0.5 donation to a charity of your choice.
3 个用户
Toolbox (Made By Obai Alashkar)
This is a tool which consists of other tools within it.
3 个用户
BeBack cashback service
Сash back BeBack.
3 个用户
Gogo Ghost
Auf den Webseiten der Ticketbörse Viagogo erscheinen oft Warteschlangen, sodass man nicht sofort auf die angesurfte Seite zugreifen kann. Dieses Plugin entfernt diese Warteschlangen, sodass Sie sofort auf die gewünschten Seiten gelangen.
3 个用户
Công cụ đặt hàng NHTQ
3 个用户
My Closet Pixie | Your Poshmark Bot and VA
Your bot to grow your Poshmark closet sales.
3 个用户
Primary – Shop without being sold to
Get forum & Reddit info while you shop.
3 个用户
ShopRite Coupon Autoloader
Automatically loads all coupons from the ShopRite Digital Coupon Center to your account
3 个用户
Magnetic Money Desktop
Мониторинг обменных пунктов электронных валют. С его помощью Вы сможете быстро находить выгодные курсы обмена Bitcoin, Litecoin, WebMoney, Яндекс Деньги, QIWI, PayPal, Perfect Money, Neteller, Skrill, Solid Trust Pay и других электронных валют
3 个用户
Getcouponhere Toolbar
GetCouponHere provides full and thorough search results, made up of various types of information
3 个用户
Package tracker
With this extension, you can track your parcels from AliExpress, Gearbest, Banggood, Amazon, Ebay, JD and Lazada. We wish you good shopping!
3 个用户
Weten bij welke shops je cashback krijgt als je surft op internet? Dat kan nu met de nieuwe Alertbar!
3 个用户
Oh My Wish Extension
Cette extension permet de rajouter facilement des souhaits sur le site de Oh My Wish
3 个用户
Zillow Lot Size Filter
Extends the lot size filter options to include larger acreages on
3 个用户
Akakçe Arama Motoru
Akakçe Arama Motoru
3 个用户 Preisvergleich
Direkt beim Online-Shopping die besten Preise für Deine LEGO-Sets sehen. Vergleiche die Preise mit den günstigsten, die für Dich gefunden hat.
3 个用户
Buoni sconto Amazon
L'estensione che ti permette di vincere un buono sconto ogni mese. Seguici sulle nostre pagine social ufficiali per vedere premi e vincitori
3 个用户
CashBee – кэшбэк до 50%
Расширение CashBee 2.0 больше не работает, установите расширение Sanely
3 个用户
Price Alert
Price Alert - Price Tracker for Amazon
3 个用户
Saakuru Cashback
Shop popular stores and get crypto cashback and crypto rewards.
3 个用户 Search
Searches the current website for a product and opens a search in a new tab.
3 个用户
Kotipizza toimitusmaksuhälytin
Aseta selain ilmoittamaan, kun lähi kotipizzasi dynaaminen toimitushinta on alle asettamasi kipurajan.
3 个用户
Specsources - SpecGrab
Create Specification Sheet and Catalog Items from any website to SpecWeb.
3 个用户
OneCart - Smart Shopping Assistant
OneCart is a new smart way to shop online. Save the products you like and keep them in one place. Shop like a pro!
3 个用户
C.S.V. Alpha Sponsor Extensie
Wordt eraan herinnerd om relevante websites via gesponsorde C.S.V. Alpha links te bezoeken
3 个用户