Unofficial Notifier for Ludomedia
Una semplice e leggerissima estensione non ufficiale per tenere le notifiche di Ludomedia sempre a portata di click.
1 个用户
Single Pass
Single Pass will allow you to use a single password to generate passwords for all of your accounts, safely and securely.
1 个用户
Powiadomienia z Pasją
Dodatek przygotowany dla Rozszerzenie informuje o nowych powiadomieniach na forum oraz pozwala na obserwowanie wybranych tagów bez konieczności wchodzenia na stronę.
1 个用户
KnowBias is a tool that predicts the degree of political bias of web content on a left-right axis.
1 个用户
Jacinda Spellchecker
Some people struggle to spell 'Jacinda' (e.g. 'Taxinda', 'Jacinderella'). This corrects them and marks corrections with a ⚡.
1 个用户
Search any and see others searching same. Chat with other Searchers in real-time. Create Alerts to be notified when others search.
1 个用户
CommPeak - PBX Click2Call
This extension connects your Firefox with CommPeak's PBX, allowing you to click-to-call on phone numbers in web pages.
1 个用户
Clip the interesting facts and statistics you never want to forget
1 个用户
Easily save and share links you like with the PutCut extension!
1 个用户
Invio Telegram
Invio Telegram ti consente di spedire in modo rapido un messaggio e l'url visualizzato nel tab attivo ad un Bot Telegram. Tale sistema consente di automatizzare l'invio di messaggi ad un canale amministrato da un Bot.
1 个用户
Comunidad WordPress Venezuela
Recursos y Enlaces para Desarrolladores WordPress
1 个用户
Leaddesk Talk
A plugin for recognizing phone numbers for Leaddesk.
1 个用户
Bookmark any Tweet on Twitter/TweetDeck and have it highlighted the next time you visit. Now you can Calm Down and Not Miss A Single Tweet!
1 个用户
Pack de Memes
Compartilhe ou baixe memes pelo navegador! É a forma mais fácil e rápida de enviar memes pelo computador! Assim como no site, você tem acesso a todos os packs e memes!
1 个用户
PicIT - QR Code
Kontext-Menü Erweiterung zum schnellen und unkomplizierten Teilen von Text und Hyperlinks per QR-Code mit dem Smartphone. Beliebiger Text und Zwischenablage. QR-Code als SVG/PNG lokal speichern. Das OpenSource Tool überträgt keinerlei Daten.
1 个用户
Global Telelinks Microsoft Teams Connector
Helps you to make phone calls using Microsoft Teams from CRM browser login.
1 个用户
SDL Translation for Eloqua
Connects Eloqua to SDL Managed Translation for translation projects
1 个用户
Adds the ability to type out emojis using emoji names. Alongside emoji prediction using keyword search, quick emoji duplication with the + key, and "xD" replacement to modern :joy:.
1 个用户
Indian Google™ Translator
This addon is multi-language translator built on top of Google translate.
1 个用户
WCount Studio Emoji Picker
Emoji picker for WCount Studio and the web.
1 个用户
Image Picka
一个图像抓取下载器,基于 WebExtensions 技术
1 个用户
Zeeker: On-site Discussions, Simplified
A powerful popover to engage with other website visitors in a single click.
1 个用户
diePartei Blocker
Ja eine politische Gruppierung blockiert gerne Meinungen anderer
1 个用户
Go to Tiwtcasting Broadcastertool
Opens the boroadcaster tool page of Twitcasting live streaming Service (
1 个用户
Toilet Brush
Block users who like/retweet a certain tweet by a single click.
1 个用户