cbgrn Auto-complete Block
Stop auto-complete feature of cbgrn.
1 个用户
SureVoIP Call and SMS Browser Add-on
1 个用户
Fwd: Extension
An extension of https://fwd.wiki/
1 个用户
Check HN
Checks Hacker News for submissions on the current url or website in order to read the discussions.
1 个用户
InterComment - Vote das Internet
InterComment bietet dem Nutzer ein soziales und webseitenübergreifendes Netzwerk durch das Hinzufügen von positiven und negativen Reaktionen, als auch in zukünftigen Versionen das Kommentieren einer Webseite.
1 个用户
Ver Vídeo Rápido
O objetivo dessa extensão é acelerar vídeos exibidos no seu navegador.
1 个用户
BB - brawo, prosto
1 个用户
C9LAB SafeLink
This Plugin will Block Phishing URLs, Domains and IPs
1 个用户
Deletes the doge from twitter dot com.
1 个用户
Extension that stores credentials and creates semaphore proofs
1 个用户
World (Indian)GPS Coordinates for Google Maps
Add a button to Google Maps to get super quickly the GPS coordinates (latitude & longitude) in different formats.
1 个用户
Tool designed to enable businesses to find potential revenue-generating contacts & Intelligence easily & quickly on any site & LinkedIn.
1 个用户
A Themeio Mozilla Firefox extension using Google OAuth to get Documents
1 个用户
Se connecter à un token discord facilement et simplement. Ne vous prenez pas la tête à coller n'importe quoi dans la console, ouvrez simplement xLogin et collez votre token !
1 个用户
Warpcast PFP Animator
Automatically replace img src properties on warpcast.com to animate profile pictures.
1 个用户
Twitter/X Media Converter
Download and convert Twitter/X videos and images into various formats.
1 个用户
Reddit Sanity Filter
Remove rows on old.reddit.com based on trigger words.
1 个用户
YouTube Comments Disabler
Disable comments section & live chat on YouTube videos - Firefox Version
1 个用户
Allows zati to retrieve your LinkedIn credentials.
1 个用户
TrustMeUp Dona e Acquista
TrustMeUp è l'unica piattaforma in cui sarai ricompensato per aver fatto del bene. Unisciti a TrustMeUp per sostenere le associazioni non profit, avviare una campagna di raccolta fondi e ricevere sconti con i PAC.
1 个用户
List Submissions
This extension makes it easy for lectors to check the work of their students
1 个用户
Magenta Conventional Comments
An extension to quickly add conventional comments on Magenta's GitLab instance.
1 个用户
Hide posts from any Twitter user with a blue check.
1 个用户
Fishexpo Native Message
Send a quick message to a native application.
1 个用户
YouTube Ad Skip by Ricardo
Automatically skips any Ads that come up while you are watching videos in youtube.com.
1 个用户