Copy multiple texts and do multiple pastes from right click menu
517 个用户
Twitter Origifier
Makes twitter images their original resolution
514 个用户
Easy and fast access to hundreds of hand-picked kaomojis, all categorised and readily available at your fingertips!
510 个用户
B!tch to Boss
Online harassment is a problem. The solution? People being less terrible. Until then, this extension replaces "bitch" and other derogatory words like it with "boss" all across the internet.
509 个用户
DisMoi permet à chacun de poster et recevoir des conseils sur les pages qu'ils visite : alerte contre une arnaque, alternative locale, éclairage sur un article, etc. Extension gratuite, sans publicité, respecte votre vie privée et Open Source.
507 个用户
Reddit Sidebar Toggle
This web extension adds a toolbar button to toggle the sidebar on
507 个用户
Twitter Video Downloader
Twitter Video Download tool that allows you to save Twitter HD videos in mp4 and GIF format.
504 个用户
运行 Android 模拟器以及您更喜欢的 Android 游戏和应用程序。
498 个用户
Add to Wishlistr
Add items from any webpage to your Wishlistr
497 个用户
Password Lock for WhatsApp Web
Automatically lock WhatsApp Web after a period of time or by pressing the action button
497 个用户
Клиент для Яндекс.Почта
Удобный клиент для Яндекс.Почта
497 个用户
Обход блокировки для ВК™ и Яндекс™
Не знаешь как разблокировать Яндекс и ВК для Украины? Установи это расширение и пользуйся заблокированными сайтами прямо сейчас.
495 个用户
View Instagram without an account.
494 个用户
Something Awful Last Read Redux
Enhances the Something Awful forums with a host of new and exciting features including thread highlighting, post highlighting, a page navigator, quick reply, mouse gestures, keyboard shortcuts, user notes, avatar hiding, and much, much more!
493 个用户
Download Vidme Video
1-Click to download any video.
491 个用户
Returns old TweetDeck, for free!
490 个用户
DeviantArt Filter
Allows automatic filtering/removal of deviations from certain users
488 个用户
Vonage® Integration Suite
Cloud phone system integration with top business applications. Done better.
488 个用户
Kick Assist
Enhance with Message History, Replay Buffer, VOD Controls, Spell Check and More!
487 个用户
Google Sheets Tabs on Top
Move Google Sheets tabs on top
486 个用户
Hot Virtual Keyboard Extension
This extension brings up the virtual keyboard when entering text input fields. Hot Virtual Keyboard has to be installed and running: Virtual Keyboard Home Page
483 个用户
App for Hangouts™
Google™ Hangouts Panel is an easy way to check Google Hangouts while you browse internet.
483 个用户
Mercator Studio for Google Meet
Change how you look on Google Meet with adjustable exposure, blur, vignette, and more!
483 个用户
Cook'n Recipe Capture Plugin
Capture any recipe from any website with just one click.
482 个用户
Сохранение историй ВК. Анонимно.
Сохраняйте истории вк: фотографии, видео, из профилей, страницы новостей, личных сообщений. Чтобы сохранить истории - нажмите на значок расширения на нужной странице. Все сохранения из расширения анонимны. Бесплатно. Без рекламы.
478 个用户