People Net
With People Net, you can rate any website and see the average ratings in search engines results (Bing, Google).
0 个用户
Online Staken
Databedrijven zijn er niet voor jou. Daarom moeten we ons verenigen en een tegenmacht vormen om verandering teweeg te brengen.
0 个用户
Permite añadir etiquetas a los usuarios de Menéame.
0 个用户
Twitter Minimal & Elegant
just for personal leisure on Web PC Client I does some magic to twitter, you will see when you enable this extension
0 个用户
Hide all (annoying) user posts from Some users behave like Trolls, just Troll them back by hiding their posts!
0 个用户
FaSiLa ❤ Donner
Récoltez des fonds pour les causes que vous supportez pendant que vous shoppez avec l'extension pour Chrome de FaSiLa ❤ Donner.
0 个用户
Blokuje dostęp do strony JBZD do danej godziny
0 个用户
Squntt - Live
Extension de Squntt pour être informé quand ça Stream sa mère
0 个用户
Reroutes attempted Rickrolls to a selection of other videos.
0 个用户
A tool to Eradicate Flagged content A one stop solution to identify misleading information circulated over the Internet
0 个用户
Waterfall Bucket
Adds some extra features to waterfall
0 个用户
MUNI emoji
Používejte na messengeru emoji, jako v ISu... Otravné!
0 个用户
Virgoolak screenshoot maker
0 个用户
Super_Modelo Notifications
To be notified when Super_Modelo streams on Twitch
0 个用户
GFY No Politics
Hides all politics posts from the forums.
0 个用户
Ponder reads your social media content and recommends thought-provoking discussions based on the conversation. When discussion matches are found, the Ponder icon will appear and allow users to browse discussions on various topics.
0 个用户
Change your google meet user in the page
0 个用户
Reorders the live blaseball games to your liking
0 个用户
BKS BOSTIK Bielsko-Biała
PowiadomieTen dodatek będzie Ci przypominał, gdzie Twoje zakupy będą wspierały BKS BOSTIK Bielsko-Biała. To bardzo proste. Wystarczy że go zainstalujesz, zalogujesz się na swoje konto aplikacji BKS BOSTIK Bienia dla aplikacji BKS BOSTIK Bielsko-Biała
0 个用户
Allows you to send new top plays to Discord when visiting osu! profiles
0 个用户
Ukryj Czarnolisto
Wtyczka całkowicie ukrywająca komentarze użytkowników Wykopu, których masz na #czarnolisto.
0 个用户
Kapeesh Web Extension
Kapeesh is an Simple, Secure and platform independent Social media app . With the Kapeesh app, you’ll get simple and secure messaging that you completely control across all platforms and devices.
0 个用户
Repl Stories
This extension allows you to access your Repl Stories ( features on other websites such as Replit ( by adding a section to them that contains a list of recent posts.
0 个用户
By using this extension, you can shorten current url and url exists on page content
0 个用户
Hacker News Next
Go to the next newest unread article on hacker news.
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