Read The Web Out Loud - RAO Text To Speech
Read any web page out loud with this intelligent, fully customizable, responsive, html5 text to speech addon. Supports over 500+ natural, human-like voices on multiple browsers and operating systems.
217 个用户
App for IW
An easy-to-use and lite App for Instagram
217 个用户
The Ftv extension is a tool that allows you to enhance your experience on the Fansly platform by linking your Fansly account with your Twitch account and accessing a wide range of emotes.
217 个用户
FLOW PAGE : text to speech (auto read & scroll)
FLOW PAGE 是一款旨在让自动文本阅读尽可能流畅的软件。 只需点击文本并聆听它,您就可以一边浏览网页,一边休息疲劳的双眼。
216 个用户
一款相机应用程序,可让您通过网络摄像头拍照和自拍、录制视频和 GIF 动画。
216 个用户
Markfolder Twitter bookmarker
Bookmark tweets, organise them in folders, find them easily.
216 个用户
Utilities for cohost
215 个用户
Discord Emoji without Nitro
An extension that allows you to use discord emoji without nitro.
215 个用户
Organize bookmarks your way. Faster than ever with the "Pack it" button.
214 个用户
Social ghost
Blocks "seen" marks on Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories.
214 个用户
213 个用户 Search Engine
Sets Firefox's default search engine to
212 个用户
Classic share for LinkedIn
Browser extension that allows one to share using the classic LinkedIn interface.
211 个用户
Affilitizer highlights advertisers with affiliate programs within Google Search result pages and in the address bar.
211 个用户
Enter any URL to preserve it forever.
211 个用户
Антикремлебот — Подсветка ботов
Расширение, подсвечивающее аккаунты кремлеботов ВКонтакте и на YouTube. Создано при поддержке проекта Гражданское Общество
211 个用户
Fluig Identity Addon
The Fluig Identity plugin allows you to log into a wide variety of web based applications from the Fluig Identity launch pad.
210 个用户
Slick Write
Take your writing to the next level.
209 个用户
TcNo Steam Card Assistant
Extends the Steam Badge crafting system. Allows mass badge crafting from individual pages and from the badge list. Also forces HTTPS on Steamcommunity for added security, as it's not always forced by Steam.
208 个用户
Google Chat Popup
A simple Google Chat popup
207 个用户
Week Ly - Week number
This app shows you the current Week! -Tool tip shows current week -Click to show a random quote.
207 个用户
YouTube Comment Reader
Search, Sort, Filter, Translate, Read YouTube Comments in spreadsheet format. Navigate through Comments & Responses with arrow keys.
206 个用户
Format Text, Replace, Insert HTML, BBCode, Markdown & Custom Texts
206 个用户
YOURLS shortener
Shorten URLs with your own YOURLS instance
205 个用户
205 个用户