YouTube Comments Crawler
Extracts all comments from the YouTube video page, sorts them by the amount of likes and saves them to a csv file.
59 个用户
Amplifier AMP/Canonical switcher
Quickly switch between Canonical and AMP version of a page
59 个用户
Rimove automaticamente il paywall che blocca la lettura di un articolo e chiude il pop-up con il video allegato ad esso.
59 个用户
Lemmy Modern UI Theme
Modifies the CSS styles on Lemmy instances to create a modern looking theme.
58 个用户
Unikey - Vietnamese Keyboard Driver
Unikey - Type Vietnamese for Windows Unikey is not a wand to help you categorize the standard Vietnamese writing but it is a tool to help you type in accents, edit fonts. Unikey supports Vietnamese typing on Windows (including 32-bit and 64-bit)
58 个用户
Hide Twitter Sidebars
Hides Twitter sidebars.
58 个用户
СТОП: вредна "медия"
Предупреждава при зареждане или цитиране във Фейсбук на неетична 'медия' - анонимна, с фалшиви новини, клевети, конспирации, реч на омразата
58 个用户
Billionaire-to-oligarch replacer
Replaces all instances of “billionaire” with “oligarch”.
58 个用户
Mytube 为了 Youtube™
从 YouTube 中删除所有烦人的广告和横幅!
58 个用户
ActiveInbox for Gmail
Use Gmail to get things done. ActiveInbox turns Gmail into a GTD task manager, where your emails are your tasks. It lets you achieve inbox zero, never forget an important email, and move projects forward with ease.
58 个用户
Property Picker (Zoopla & Rightmove)
Affordability information on all listings. Currently available on Zoopla and Rightmove.
58 个用户
Decode QR codes from page.
58 个用户
Beastnotes ▪ Take notes for online courses
Easily take notes while watching course videos and study effectively.
58 个用户
YouTube AdBlock iFrame
This YouTube AdBlock iFrame module allows you to replace YouTube videos with iframes. Ads are blocked on iframes due to cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) restrictions.
58 个用户
Yaware.TimeTracker Url Monitor
Yaware Addon for Firefox is a part of Yaware Service. You can use it only after you sign up for Yaware and install Yaware-client. This Extention helps to track time you spend working in Firefox browser correctly.
58 个用户
Youtube and Twitter downloader
Youtube Video,Twitter Videos Downloader for firefox web-browser with MP4 and Full-HD downloads.
58 个用户
Social visual alt text
Visually show alternative text of social media images
57 个用户
57 个用户
Twitter Required Alt Text
Small extension that will force you to add alt text to images when tweeting
57 个用户
Betafi: Record, Add Notes, Transcribe Calls
Give your Google Meet™ calls superpowers with the Betafi extension: take notes, record the calls, and get automatic transcripts.
57 个用户
Whatsapp Contacts Panel Hider
Allows you to hide contacts side panel on Whatsapp Web at will.
57 个用户
Kahoot Name
Make a longer name in Kahoot!
57 个用户
С VKfoxX вы всегда в курсе новостей ВКонтакте! Общаться, получать уведомления об ответах и следить за онлайном друзей теперь еще проще! И всё это прямо в окне расширения, даже не заходя на
57 个用户
Send Note to Device
Do you use "Send Tab to Device" feature❓ This is similar, but you can send a text message with your tab. 🕑 You will also see the history or received and send messages. 🔥 Powered by "Firefox Sync" engine!
56 个用户
This web extension displays a QR code for the current URL. Share your page with a nearby smartphone or QR code reader.
56 个用户