Copy the historic shruggie emoticon to the clipboard with just one click.
14 个用户
Booking Flights & Hotels Deals
Travel More, Spend Less When You Book Vacations via Booking Flights & Hotels Deals. With a mission to empower people to experience the world, Booking Flights & Hotels Deals invests in digital technology that helps take the friction out of travel.
14 个用户
Xpresso- Animated avatar emojis & GIF Stickers
Create your lookalike 3D cartoon avatar, add animated text, share animations as GIF stickers on Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram, Tumblr & everywhere else #Related: emojis, avatar, animojis, animated text, gif stickers, anime, emoticons
14 个用户
Was It Discussed on HackerNews?
- check if current page was discussed on Hacker News - open discussion if HN thread was found - submit new post on HN if thread wasn't found
13 个用户
YouTube No Redirect!
Changes all YouTube link redirects to direct links.
13 个用户
Twitter Unverified
Hide Tweets and replies from Twitter Blue users. Customizable options and thresholds, and will not block followed users.
13 个用户
Silencio for X (Formerly Twitter)
Quickly mute accounts for a healthier X-perience
13 个用户
Business Click to Call Axialys
Solution pour Centre de Contacts intégrée au navigateur pour recevoir des appels et appeler en un clic un contact sur une page web.
13 个用户
random Reddit
Brings you to a random subreddit
13 个用户
Ivoox download
An extension to download podcast from Ivoxx
13 个用户
Validate Phone Number
Validate phone numbers effortlessly with our Phone Number Validation browser extension. This extension provides a seamless way to verify phone numbers, check carriers, and obtain essential details like location and phone type.
13 个用户
Limit Twitter (リミットツイッター)
ツイッターのタイムラインを見ている時間が制限時間を経過したらハローワークに飛ぶだけ(デフォルトは300秒)。 (飛ぶサイトと時間は変更可能) タイムラインとリストでは秒単位でカウントダウンを表示します。 下の+ボタンから開いた投稿画面では制限時間を消費しない。 最初に今日の累計ツイッター時間を表示するようにしました。New! 今日の累計ツイッター時間が1時間を超えたら赤の表示に替わります。 時間を有効に使おう。
13 个用户
Temp Mail - Edu Email
Unlike Gmail and other services that give you an Temp Mail address without you having to sign up on the site, a temporary email address.
13 个用户
Save keywords floating over your head, for a later browsing collection. Keep keywords for later and browse them when you have time to. If you don't have enough time to check about something, memorize it in the box for a later review.
13 个用户
Reddit User Tagger
Automatically puts tags near all usernames on Reddit based on their posting activity
13 个用户
Etsy Media Downloader Pro
Download high-quality images and videos from Etsy listings
13 个用户
Annoyance Blocker
Browse the web without malarkey!
13 个用户
Bypass Youtube Adblock Popup
Delete the Adblock popup in Youtube Video.
13 个用户
eninclusif — dico inclusif
Extension permettant d'accéder facilement au dictionnaire eninclusif
13 个用户 opener
在你的 Matrix 客户端中直接打开 链接
13 个用户
Imgur, but for Image Hosting
Perfect if you don't use Imgur as Social Media. Redirects straight to the hosted image!
13 个用户
NEW! - Disposable Temporary Email
One click generator free and secure disposable temp mail address. Anonymous sign up for any service on the Internet! Easy to use.
13 个用户
AI Writing Check
Checks any text to see if it is human-written.
13 个用户
Adskipper for YouTube™
Features: - Allows you to block and skip ads on Youtube. - Allows you to block annotations on Youtube. - Faster loadtimes of Youtube.
13 个用户
Email Finder & Search Tool
Improve your email outreach campaigns by using high quality emails you can't find anywhere else. Try us for FREE. No card required.
13 个用户