Handy Switcher FE/BE/Env/TYPO3
It's a productivity everyday time saver / navigation helper for (mainly) TYPO3 web projects. (more coming soon) Switches between Frontend / Backend and work environments on your TYPO3 projects. Preserves page path and base url.
5 个用户
PERT With Wings
Helper to make PERT estimates in JIRA / Azure DevOps tickets
5 个用户
Take Screen shots With Three different tools and download them into your download management.
5 个用户
Shoutbox height is adjustable to meet your needs, preview personal chat color before applying and couple of annoying stuff fixed.
5 个用户
Opena11y Toolkit
Use Tota11y everywhere to maximize accessibility.
5 个用户
HTTP Manager
HTTP Manager - HTTP requests management tool
5 个用户
Github List Bugzilla Bugs
Add Bugzilla links to a Github compare view.
5 个用户
SeLite TestCase Debug Context
It's needed for SelBlocks Global. It works in Selenium IDE.
5 个用户
aday語音報讀 text to speech
使用系統內建的語音進行網頁報讀 text to speech
5 个用户
Woccu Screensharing
Herramienta para compartir pantalla en WoccuConference
5 个用户
5 个用户
MangoApps For FireFox
This browser extension provides users quick & secure access to their history & pinned items in MangoApps.
5 个用户
Minter Link
Minter Link — Minter Blockchain Multi Wallet & DApps connect
5 个用户
Javascript Injector
Inject any javascript code from Url in the content page (only for developers).
5 个用户
A Mozilla Firefox add-on for extracting and aligning search result data records based on their visual similarity and the Gestalt laws of grouping
5 个用户
bcons - PHP debug helper
Use the browser Console API in your PHP code to assist with debugging server-side issues. Errors, warnings, payload, cookies, and session data are also displayed.
5 个用户
Multi Thread Js Downloader
Multi Thread (Segment) Js Downloader Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
5 个用户
AI Detector for images
AI Detector for images AI Image Detector is a tool that helps you quickly verify whether an image was generated by artificial intelligence. It adds a new action to the browser's context menu, allowing you to analyze images directly from the browser.
5 个用户
GitHub Pages 404
Provides links to Owner's Profile and GitHub Repo on a GitHub Pages 404 page.
5 个用户
ChatGPT Clipper
Copy ChatGPT correspondence with a single click
5 个用户
ページから歌詞を抽出します。 Extract lyrics from web pages. 権限が表示されていますが、これは歌詞のテキストを取得するのに必要であり、ユーザーデータは一切取得いたしません。 Permissions are shown, but they are required to retrieve the text of the lyrics and I do not retrieve any user data.
5 个用户
Guess who game from the web.
5 个用户
Transform a webpage by inserting accented characters and making words 30% longer or swap text to read from right to left. A tool to help web developers test their code in different locales without having a translation available.
5 个用户
Prettier settings tweaks
Changes https://prettier.io/playground/ to have 4 space indentation by default and parens in all arrow functions.
5 个用户
TrustBox Assistant
Troubleshooting Trustpilot TrustBoxes. This add-on provides a toolbar button, which displays a summary of the Trustpilot widgets installed on the current webpage.
5 个用户