GitHub Copy Raw
Adds a button for copying the raw content of a file to GitHub.
19 个用户
Extension for Cacher, the code snippet organizer for pro developers.
19 个用户
Clarityflow: Record screen & cam videos
Record & swap screen, camera, and text messages on one threaded page. Message with clients and coworkers (replace calls & emails!)
18 个用户
Etsy OpenSearch Engine
Search engine for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with a theme responsive icon.
18 个用户
Display Window Size
"Display Window Size" is a handy Firefox addon that allows users to view the current window size of their browser. With this addon, users can easily see the dimensions of their browser window and adjust elements on webpages more accurately.
18 个用户
Screen Recorder Pro+
A simple screen recorder extension for capturing your screen content
18 个用户
PX to VW
Easily convert PX to VW and VW to PX.
18 个用户
AWS Agent
Allows your browser to access AWS resources that require Amazon's Sigv4 scheme.
18 个用户
Format with Prettier
Use prettier from your browser!
18 个用户
世界时钟 - 时区转换器
世界时钟与时区转换器 - 轻松查看全球时间,快速比较多个城市时区,支持所有国家和主要城市。精确实时同步,旅行、商务、远程工作必备工具。
18 个用户
Bluesky Moderation Extension
A Firefox extension to assist with moderation on Bluesky, allowing users to block others and manage block lists efficiently. Enhance your Bluesky experience with improved control and security.
18 个用户
Link Investigator
Investigates the HTTP status of links in a webpage, selection or link.
18 个用户
Best Proxy Manager
The best anonymous proxy solution for you
18 个用户
Adds a new sidebar to the developer tools inspector panel. The sidebar displays the page document as an inspectable object.
18 个用户
Contao CMS - Backend jumper
This extension for Mozilla Firefox allows you to jump into the Contao CMS backend with just one click. You don't have to edit the URL manually and append /contao/index.php. F8 opens the Backend in the current tab, ALT+F8 opens it in a new tab.
18 个用户
Use your IAM role (from instance metadata) to open the AWS console.
18 个用户
Wattspeed is a browser extension that offers powerful web technologies insights each time you open a new web page.
18 个用户
Farbkontrast prüfen - Color Contrast Checker
WCAG Color Contrast Analyzer / Quickly check the contrast between two colours. Einfache Farbprüfung: Überprüfe schnell den Farbkontrast zwischen Text und Hintergrund durch Eingabe der Hex-Farbcodes oder mit der integrierten Pipette.
18 个用户
Prod Guard
Warns you when you are connected to production. Never accidentally make changes to production.
18 个用户
Easy Flutter Pub
Allows copying flutter dependency info to clipboard.
18 个用户
Lorem Quick Ipsum
This plugin provides a simple and quick way to copy random Lorem Ipsum words, sentences and paragraphs.
18 个用户
The Image Downloader
This is a browser extension designed to download images from a list of URLs.
18 个用户
Headers Middleman
Add, remove, or modify HTTP Headers for any request based on a regular expression
18 个用户
Provides with an easy way to record and output to file all requests issued by websites! Also allows to encrypt files with our public key.
18 个用户
AWS Console Title Bar
Add Text Information to the AWS title bar, based on the account being used.
18 个用户