SearXNG (
Make SearXNG (instance the default search engine. SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
1 个用户
Sifted Modal Sifter
A Firefox extension that removes modals and related elements on the Sifted website.
1 个用户
A privacy-reclaiming tool that removes tracking data from Google search result links. Taking back your privacy from Google, is the scrum-deli-umptious sundae. Tagging their house with the DeGoogled status indicator is the cherry on top...(left)...
1 个用户
Rilevamento Phishing - Italian Phishing Detection
Fornisce una protezione dalle minacce di phishing sfruttando un modello di machine learning dedicato bloccando anche gli script. ** Provides protection against phishing threats leveraging a dedicated machine learning model while also blocking script.
1 个用户
Protect your browsing experience with our cutting-edge cryptojacking defense solutions!
1 个用户
Brainly Block
Bloqueia o PayWall ridiculo do Brainly
1 个用户
1 个用户
Nuke JS
Does a website bomb you with ads and popups? You are in control. Nuke 'em back.
1 个用户
JavaScript Permission Matrix
This extension allows you to control JavaScript API permissions at per-script basis.
1 个用户
Link redirector for Youtube links
This extension will take a 'clicked on' or 'url entered' youtube link and redirect the link to a domain of your choosing. This extension is intended to be used with Invidious and other similar services
1 个用户
FTLRedirect: FreeTubeLight Redirection. A light re-director for youtube links, that instead opens them in the freetube application
1 个用户
ATP Link Cleaner
Automatically rewrite Office 365 ATP links to remove the slow (and non-private) redirect.
1 个用户
1 个用户
Hypertext HTML Blocker
This extension blocks all webpages, allowing Firefox to realise its true potential as a PDF viewer.
1 个用户
Cydog Toolkit
This extension is a toolkit for users that do not use Cydog Browser-related features to encourage good browsing habits.
1 个用户
Random Password Generator
The purpose of a random password generator is to create a password that is difficult for hackers to guess or crack using brute force methods. Strong and complex passwords are essential for online security, especially when iGenerate a random password.
1 个用户
Time Based Default Containers
Browser extension that let's you create timetables for your Firefox containers. When you create a new tab or open an external link it will show up in the corresponding container so you can easier split up you digital life.
0 个用户
Callee Cleanee
Prüft ausgewählte Links vor dem Aufruf und ersetzt Teile, wenn nötig. Zeigt Ersetzungen der letzten 4 Wochen im Dashboard an. Entfernt Google-Analytics Umleitungen
0 个用户
Enough - Control Your Feed
Enough helps you focus by hiding addictive social media elements. Customize your experience and sync settings across devices and browsers—perfect for a distraction-free YouTube and other social media sites.
0 个用户
0 个用户
SearXNG (
Make SearXNG (instance the default search engine! SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
0 个用户
Paste Guard
Firefox and Chrome extension to require confirmation for pasting on all sites
0 个用户
Uwaga! Misie patrzą
0 个用户
0 个用户
Auvitas Wallet
Experience web without ads!
0 个用户