Reddit Storage Cleaner
Delete you Searches and your recent communities without fiddling with developer tools
1 个用户
Productive YouTube (REMOVE SHORTS)
Automatic YouTube Shorts Redirection and hide home page recommendations If the URL contains shorts, it splits the URL and redirects to the regular video player.
1 个用户
Whiteberries для комфортных покупок в маркетплейса
Удаляет раздражающие маркетинговые трюки и «тёмные паттерны» на сайтах маркетплейсов.
1 个用户
AdBlock Ninja for Firefox
AdBlock Ninja for Firefox stops intrusive ads, pop-ups, and trackers, improving page load speeds, privacy, and security for a cleaner, safer browsing experience always, no exceptions.
1 个用户
Patreon Related Video Remover
Removes the "Related Videos" section from an individual Patreon video post, since they can cause significant audio/video de-sync if enough of them are loaded while playing the intended video.
1 个用户
Block New YouTube Videos
Blocks videoes on Youtube recommended page with under 5k views.
1 个用户
Lets you hide job offers from certain companies on LinkedIn
1 个用户
AllFreeNovel Updates
Check latest updates from
1 个用户
Minimal Tabs
Optimize your search habits by limiting the number of tabs you can create.
1 个用户
Almost unique
Blocks JavaScript, CSS, fonts, geolocation requests, and cookies.
1 个用户
bitbucket autoclose difference
Plugin will close difference in files what you don't need.
1 个用户
Get your shit done, while getting your cheat on
1 个用户
Du wirst nie wieder gerickrolled werden! Du bist immer auf der sicheren Seite, wenn du dieses Addon benutzt. Es werden ca. 150 verschiedene RickRoll-Links blockiert!!!
1 个用户
1 个用户
A porn blocker containing pre-determined sites from "theporndude" including some generic blockers
1 个用户
Dangerous file Blocker
Prevent download malicious file types from Internet
1 个用户
SURFGUARD helps you surf the internet waves safely and securely. It thoroughly analyzes the site you are on and tells you whether it is safe to surf or not by using our custom made SurfGuardAPI which employs ML model having over 92.67% accuracy.
1 个用户
LinkedIn Promotion Remover
Removes promoted jobs from LinkedIn job listings.
1 个用户
TrojAI Browser Extension
In-Flight LLM Safety Monitoring for web based LLM applications. We monitor traffic coming from AI enabled sites to make sure your enterprise can safely enable these sites without the need to worry about data leakage and other issues.
1 个用户
YouTube Recommendation Hider
A simple Firefox extension that hides YouTube's recommended videos to balance your digital life, protect your well-being, prevent information overload, reduce distractions, and promote better sleep quality.
1 个用户
Block distracting sites to maintain focus
1 个用户
Hide Applied Jobs LinkedIn
Hide jobs you have already applied to from your job search results on LinkedIn. Add other optional filters to hide jobs with.
1 个用户
Entferne Youtube Shorts
Entfernt Youtube Shorts aus den Menü auf der Youtube Webseite.
1 个用户
Norwegian Website Blocker
This Firefox addon quietly blocks access to specified websites to help prevent time-wasting. It is aimed at Norwegian users, and blocks sites including VG, Dagbladet, NRK, Aftenposten and Facebook.
1 个用户