Der Blocker der Verbraucherzentrale zaubert Cookie und Einwilligungs Banner einfach weg.
13,116 个用户
Hide Google AI Overviews
Hide annoying Google AI Overviews.
12,287 个用户
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
Block feed, shorts, related and other distractions on time-wasting sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn...
11,349 个用户
Blue Blocker
Blocks all Twitter Blue verified users on
8,951 个用户
Reddit NSFW Unblocker
Unblock and remove these pesky popups and blurs to freely view NSFW content! No login required. Made for the new Reddit (Beta) UI.
7,738 个用户
Яндекс Эволюция - Поиск Yandex Search
Российский поисковик Яндекс (Яndex, Yandex)
7,583 个用户
Purple Ads Blocker for Twitch
Purple AdBlock is a adblock for
7,483 个用户
6,838 个用户
Streaming enhanced: Netflix Disney+ Prime Video
在 Netflix、Prime video、Disney+、Crunchyroll 和 HBO max 上跳过广告、开场白、片头,并添加调整速度等功能。
6,819 个用户
Automatic AdSkipper
AdSkipper is browser extension that automatically skips in video ads on websites. Support the project on: Source Code
4,570 个用户
Ad Blocker for Facebook™
Remove unwanted contents on the Facebook website, including sponsored posts and recommended pages/groups. Supports both desktop and mobile Firefox.
4,498 个用户
Cookiebro - Cookie Manager
Advanced cookie manager for easy cookie management and automatic deletion of unwanted cookies. Supports whitelist & blacklist and provides an easy-to-use interface for whitelisting domains. View, Edit, Create, Search cookies in Cookie Editor.
4,306 个用户
StayFree - Web Analytics & Time Tracker
Analytics to help you understand and control your website usage, leading to less distractions and enhanced productivity
3,515 个用户
AI Solver for reCAPTCHA, FunCAPTCHA, and all CAPTCHA.
3,333 个用户
Tweaks for YouTube
Seek, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more with mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Adjust player controls, progress bar, subtitles, process audio, show playlist duration, take video snapshot, set initial volume, speed, resolution, and more.
2,989 个用户
Reddit Annoyances
Improved experience for mobile Firefox users.
2,925 个用户
Ad Blocker
This extension removes YouTube ad smartly, also creators income will be normal. Your review matters for me a lot :) Support :-
2,918 个用户
AI based image censoring of adult content within the webpages you visit.
2,532 个用户
2,464 个用户
Popupblocker kann alle Pop-ups blockieren. Viele Webseiten öffnen neue Fenster mit Werbung, wenn man versucht Text zu makieren oder etwas anklickt. Dieses Add-on blockiert das und zeigt einen ganz kleinen Hinweis an.
2,456 个用户
Script Blocker Ultimate (NoScript, Disable JS)
Best Script Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Performance, This addon does NOT track user activities same as others)
2,373 个用户
Circle 阅读助手
Circle 阅读助手可以把网页中的内容提取出来,重新整理排版成更适合阅读的界面。 比 Safari 阅读模式更强大的阅读助手浏览器扩展 Circle ,是浏览器自带阅读模式的扩充和完善;是电脑阅读网页、看小说、看新闻的不二神器;具有快捷键支持、自定义样式、自定义字体、自定义主题、自动滚动、自动加载下一页、大声朗读、文章大纲(outline)、返回顶部、分栏目阅读、打印阅读模式格式化之后的网页、支持浏览器自带的翻译等阅读辅助类功能。自研的解析引擎,解析更快速、解析能力更智能,自动屏蔽广告
2,305 个用户
Element Blocker
Block popups, banners, chat widgets, notification bars, and more from appearing on any website.
2,240 个用户
Ad Blocker: Stands AdBlocker
How to block ads? Use Ad Blocker for Firefox - Stands Adblocker! Block all ads on YouTube, Twitch, sites, and stay protected from phishing, tracking, and malware.
2,232 个用户
Reddit Age Bypass
View mandatory age restricted posts without verifying.
2,162 个用户