Better Tab: Speed Dial, News Feed, To-do and more
用您最喜欢的新闻、天气、待办事项列表、活动等内容替换您无聊的新标签!大量自定义使 Better Tab 成为您自己的!
23 个用户
23 个用户
23 个用户
Bookmark Manager
Personal Bookmark Manager
23 个用户
Modify YouTube's layout in real-time and make it distraction free, like you own it!
23 个用户
An addon to enhance Brightspace LMS with dark mode, themes, and additional features.
23 个用户
ZaX - Tiện ích mở rộng cho Zalo
Trợ lý AI soạn tin nhắn, Đăng nhập nhiều Zalo, Dịch tin nhắn, Zalo Dark Mode, Chặn đã xem/ đã nhận/ đang soạn tin,..
22 个用户
Yank URL and title of current tab, format to a chosen markup language, and copy to clipboard
22 个用户
puts pronouns next to usernames on mastodon
22 个用户
22 个用户
22 个用户
Wechselt das Thema von Firefox zwischen hell und dunkel, je nach Einstellung des Linux Tools Yin-Yang.
21 个用户
21 个用户
21 个用户
Alexa Rank in Addressbar
Show small alexa rank info in addressbar. Normally alexa stopped working, but our addon still works through alexa api
21 个用户
21 个用户
Wordle Solver
Wordle is taking Twitter by storm, so here is a browser addon which helps users solve the daily Wordle algorithmically.
21 个用户
The Reading Ruler
A ruler that overlays a website to help you read. Helpful for people who struggle with reading and retaining information.
21 个用户
Clean Wikipedia
Copy wikipedia text, sans citations. optional dark mode available. Built for personal use and put it online for some friends.
20 个用户
20 个用户
Better Text View
Makes website text larger and readable.
20 个用户
Projekt wtyczki dla serwisu wykop (niebawem również hejto), która będzie rozwijać serwis o nowe przydatne funkcjonalności oraz przywracać te, które zostały zabrane przez ciemiężców z administracji.
20 个用户