3,513 个用户
Torii Image Translator - using GPT-4
Translate any image on any website in any language! Perfect for Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics, Memes or any image at all!
758 个用户
Mass Image Downloader
Download all images on one page in one click.
299 个用户
Allusion Web Clipper
Web Clipper for Allusion - for organizing your Visual Library
135 个用户
Mashiro for Firefox
Enable Popular Mode on Pixiv
128 个用户
custom start page
simple, customisable, minimalistic start page for firefox
107 个用户
91 个用户
Pixiv Infinite Scroll
89 个用户
Upload to Danbooru
Add a context menu option for images to upload to Danbooru.
86 个用户
Pixiv 搜尋
方便直接以Pixiv ID找圖片,或是直接關鍵字搜尋Pixiv
78 个用户
77 个用户
Firefox add-on to get waifu images. Click on the extension icon to open the popup and press "New Waifu" to get an image of an anime girl. Information about the image, such as the source link, can be viewed by pressing the "Info" button.
45 个用户
43 个用户
Pixiv Random Jump Remastered
Let's you open a random post from your bookmarks.
40 个用户
WPM Typing Speed Test Typing
Improve your typing speed with this fun game
36 个用户
Reverse image search on Booru sites such as Danbooru, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/fa84097d5f48644ae35041b385c0a285e33f6ab37ad85c870254795fd2eba749/http%3A//yande.re" rel="nofollow">yande.re</a> and etc.
22 个用户
A WebExtension for downloading media from pixiv FANBOX, Patreon, etc.
20 个用户
Remove metadata before uploading files!
18 个用户
Vertigo Magnifier
Zoom any video/image on any website with shift+wheel, or set any other key. Right click allows search via google.lens, screenshot, rotate and apply filters.
17 个用户
Pixiv Pass
Preview a Pixiv artwork with its ID.
14 个用户