PancakeSwap V2
PancakeSwap:Decentralized Finance Exchange For Swapping BEP-20 Tokens And Liquidity Pools
40 个用户
Plex skipper
Automatically clicks the 'Skip Intro', 'Skip Credits' and 'Play next' buttons on Plex.
39 个用户
VLR.GG but better
39 个用户
HideIPVPN: VPN & Proxy service
Hide your IP address and bypass blocks and restrictions
39 个用户
YouTube Enhanced Extension
A third party thing that makes watching YouTube videos a little bit better.
39 个用户
Video Frame extractor
This extension will try extracting any video's frame as a full image, no overlays, no screenshots.
38 个用户
Subtitle Translator Netflix
Cette extension a pour but de faciliter l'apprentissage d'une langue avec les films et séries.
37 个用户
Розширення для української локалізації
37 个用户
IntoDNS Checker
IntoDNS checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report.
36 个用户
Netflix Lens is now CineLens
Upgrade your Netflix for Free. See Cast, Music, Trivia and more of your favorite Netflix Shows.
34 个用户
Chrome Emacs
Use Emacs to edit textareas and online editors. This extension provides bi-directional editing, cursor and scroll synchronization, and keyboard shortcuts, supporting popular online editors like CodePen, StackBlitz, and more.
33 个用户
Better YouTube Previews
Make YouTube video previews play on long click instead of hover.
33 个用户
AutoShopee Kit
Công cụ hỗ trơ bán hàng trên Shopee được phát triển bởi AutoShopee giải pháp cho nhà bán hàng.
33 个用户
Designed to enhance your YouTube experience by deactivating video proposals, disabling shorts, and showcasing only the content from channels you're subscribed to, this extension is perfect for those who want a cleaner and more focused platform.
33 个用户
KCIK - plus better
Hide streamers on kick, change website color, view deleted chat messages, send message history, set playback speed, automatically reject hosts and more!
32 个用户
Hotstar Ad Blocker
Say goodbye to Hotstar ads forever!
31 个用户
Better YouTube Summary
Literally Better YouTube Summary 🎯
31 个用户
ONX RP Alerts
Get real-time alerts for your position in the ONX RP queue.
29 个用户
minimalist open in mpv
Use the context menu or the add-on button to open a video in mpv.
28 个用户 radio
Listen to nature sounds, and fall in love with the Earth.
27 个用户
Goita què fan ara
Extensió que indica el títols en català de Netflix i Prime Video.
27 个用户
Netflix Intro Skip
Automatically skip intros in the Netflix web-player.
26 个用户
webAntidote PlutoTV GH2022
Agrega sala de chat,nuevo video player,selec calidad de video,botón retroceder 4s,adelantar/retroceder(keyboard),play/pause,velocidades reproducción.Quita imáges superpuestas,controles no funcionales, agrega mejoras Ask 4 full!
26 个用户
Native SoundCloud Downloader
Native SoundCloud Downloader.
26 个用户