ChatGPT Clipper
Copy ChatGPT correspondence with a single click
5 个用户
Video Playback Speed Controller
Allows the user to control the playback speed of videos
5 个用户
Local YouTube Video History Tracker
Store YouTube video timestamps using IndexedDB for larger storage capacity without expiry.
5 个用户
Browser to Steam
Open in Steam client by click on button on tool panel
5 个用户
URL Collector
Collect URLs and endpoints from a webpage. Egyscan Helper Will Help Pentesters and security researchers to find the endpoints easliy
5 个用户
Autocomplete User&Pass ONT/MODEM.
Auto completa user y password en diferentes modems/onts/onus, de diferentes modelos(Hitron, Arris, Huawei, etc) para que el usuario no tenga que escribir el usuario y password cada vez que deseen ingresen.
5 个用户
Force Serif Font Temporarily
Force current web to use serif font
5 个用户
Adds an gitmoji picker on GitHub commit message inputs.
5 个用户
Real-time cursor interaction for a more connected browsing experience.
5 个用户
Salesforce Status Helper
Salesforce Status Helper will help keep you logged into Omni-Channel for when those unexpected disconnects occur without warning.
5 个用户
AWS Console Fixes
This addon fixes various annoyances in the AWS Management Console.
5 个用户
LinkOut - Personalized LinkedIn Messages
The official LinkOut browser extension.
5 个用户
ニコニコ生放送(ニコ生)の** にページにおいて、動作するアドオンです。 ページロード時に視聴ページの詳細設定の「ゲームギフトエモーション演出を表示にする」ボタンを押してからコメント表示ボタンも押します。 結果、ゲームギフトエモーションコメント表示をオフに出来ます
5 个用户
After Response
Automatically save any requests and responses to your server, and modify the response to what you want.
5 个用户
네이버 블로그 모바일 뷰 화면의 가독성을 올려줍니다.
5 个用户
Der "Vodafon Station" Kabelrouter hat einen ziemlich nervigen Software Fehler. Das Popup um das WLAN Kennwort zu ändern hat einen fehlerhaften "Passwortstärke Check"... Dieses Addon löst das Problem!
4 个用户
4 个用户
Youtube Continue
Continues youtube videos when the "Are you still watching pop up" appears
4 个用户
Obsidian - Bookmarks
Save bookmarks as markdown files directly into your Obsidian vault featuring sub-folders and image grabbing
4 个用户
Tab Switcher
Switch tabs or go to a new URL using a keyboard shortcut. ctrl + space
4 个用户
Netflix Clean Interface
Netflix Clean Interface Netflix clean interface: It offers a clean interface. * Keep watching closes its episode. * Closes large banners.
4 个用户
steam market csv
Creates a csv file from a steam market item
4 个用户
Twitch Award Collector
Twitch Award Collector permet de récupérer vos récompenses Twitch sans avoir besoins de cliquer sur le coffre. Vous pourrez ainsi collecter vos points de chaîne facilement.
4 个用户
A chrome extension inspired from pesticide. It also helps in highlighting divs and debugging.
4 个用户
App Store Review Templates
An browser web extension which add templating generic answer support to app store reviews website including Google Play Store. oogle Play Store.
4 个用户