3,746 个用户
3,686 个用户
Better Volume Booster
Free and open-source volume booster that remembers your choices.
3,540 个用户
uView Floating Player - Picture in Picture
Watch Youtube video and more in a floating window Picture in Picture (PIP) on top of any other application while multitasking or gaming on PC. Say goodbye to alt-tabbing.
3,523 个用户
加快播放速度。影响所有的HTML5视频和音频。| 加速:Ctrl+Shift+U | 减速:Ctrl+Shift+Y
3,509 个用户
YouTube™ Comment Translate
Translate YouTube comments with a single click using Google Translate. The target language is easily customizable and there's also a button to translate all comments automatically. YouTube's default translation button is hidden
3,411 个用户
Tweaks for YouTube
Seek, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more with mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Adjust player controls, progress bar, subtitles, process audio, show playlist duration, take video snapshot, set initial volume, speed, resolution, and more.
3,386 个用户
FastStream Video Player
Stream videos without buffering in the browser. An extension that gives you a better, accessible video player designed for your needs.
3,374 个用户
Cast Kodi
Cast videos and music from more than 50 sites (YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, SoundCloud, torrents, …) to Kodi with context menu and remote control.
3,364 个用户
Ad Blocker
This extension removes YouTube ad smartly, also creators income will be normal. Your review matters for me a lot :) Support :-
3,347 个用户
CookieManager - Cookie Editor
Edit cookies related to the current page and all its sub-frames right from a popup
3,295 个用户
Youtube to MP3 Converter & Downloader
Firefox extension to convert and download Youtube videos for free in MP3 format. This addon includes a button on any YouTube View Page and allows you to convert the YouTube Video to a mp3 file with just one click.
3,252 个用户
YouTube™ 的多种选择
3,225 个用户
Free YouTube Video Downloader
Easily download your favorite YouTube videos in high quality with just a click. Build your video library, enjoy offline viewing, and share with friends—anytime, anywhere!
3,210 个用户
3,152 个用户
Imagus mod
3,149 个用户
Print for Firefox
3,135 个用户
Theater Mode for YouTube™ (YouTube Wide Screen)
Force YouTube to open in its player in the theater mode
3,126 个用户
YoutubeDigest: 用 ChatGPT 总结
使用 ChatGPT 为 YouTube 视频生成摘要
3,108 个用户
Audio Output Selector
Allows you to change the audio output device of <audio> and <video> elements. Requires media.setsinkid.enabled set to true in about:config!
3,105 个用户
YouTube Downloader
YouTube Downloader – Free YouTube Video Downloader & MP3 Converter | 4K Support Easily download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, HD, or 4K with this fast and free Firefox extension. Convert YouTube to MP3 or download videos in any format with one click.
3,088 个用户
3,078 个用户
AI 双语字幕&网页沉浸翻译 — Trancy 语言学习
Trancy 不仅提供对 YouTube, Netflix, Udemy, Disney+, TED, edX, Kehan, Coursera 等平台的双语字幕支持,还能实现对普通网页的 AI 划词/划句翻译、全文沉浸翻译等功能,真正的语言学习全能助手。
3,064 个用户
Video Quality Settings for YouTube (HD/4K)
Watch YouTube in your preferred video quality, such as 720p, 1080p, 1440p and 2160p.
3,010 个用户
Previews (For TTV & YT)
Live previews when hovering over streams on Twitch & YouTube | A bunch of quality of life improvements for TTV & YT
2,991 个用户