Reviews for DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator
DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator by DeepL
24 reviews
- Rated 2 out of 5by Paul_aus_H, 13 days agoNutzlos für mich. Funktioniert nur in asozialen Netzwerken, die ich aber nicht benutze.
- Rated 2 out of 5by IAMI, 16 days ago在X 上使用,翻譯出來的字句感覺也沒有很通順,而且文字顏色對比跟可讀性非常差,非常不容易分辨.看得非常辛苦.也沒有能進行設定的選項.於是就移除了!雖然google 翻譯經常出錯,但也只好繼續使用simple translate.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 12156565, a month agoThe add-on glitches in shorts on Youtube. If you highlight any text in the comments, the video jumps to the first video you started watching. To write to the developers, you need to subscribe for a fee.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 5946698, 2 months agoНе работает перевод страницы. А так же не работает перевод выделенного текста на некоторых сайтах.
Page translation does not work. Also translation of selected text on some sites does not work. - Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 16816606, 2 months agoil faut payer la version Pro pour traduire une page...Mais ça on le découvre qu’après avoir installer le module...
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 18660721, 4 months agoSorry, aber der Google Translator übersetzt längere Texte und nervt nicht mit Funktionsblockadehinweisen, dass man sich anmelden soll. Wenn Deepl mal zufällig nicht meckert, ist es einfach zu verwenden. Es verhält sich bei der Übersetzung zu "politisch korrekt" und versucht Umgangssprachliches in eine unnatürliche, nicht beanstandbare Form zu übersetzen. Wenn ich sauer bin, erwarte ich, dass der Übersetzer das auch so übersetzt. Deepl tut das nicht - zumindest nicht bei mir.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Baraded, 4 months ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by folgoris, 6 months ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 17966179, a year ago自分が書いた文字を変換させる機能がグーグル検索やアヒル検索の入力フォームでは使えない。
コンテキストメニューにある無駄な項目も気になったし、有料専用のページ全体翻訳機能のオプションの項目が無料バージョンにもあって全体翻訳できるのか迷うし、この拡張機能の作り自体あまりよくない、有料サービスを促す表示も過剰と言わざるを得ない - Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 14492264, a year ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by Hendrik, a year ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by Felix Boltwood, a year agoIt works very well, but I ran into a bug not long after installing this. I'm on Twitch often and watch a lot of streams, but with this enabled, I can't open the emote menu--the icon for writing obstructs the emote button. Even with the writing icon turned off, the emote button isn't working! I use them often, so unfortunately I need to uninstall this until it's fixed.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Jay, a year agoI almost forgot about this addon - I simply didn't need to translate anything - until I got a huge DeepL branded button added to the page after I opened GMail.
I am not happy. Please NEVER do anything that classifies as opt-out rather than opt-in. If I wanted to translate something, I'd select the text, and that's perhaps when I'd be interested in enabling any sort of automation. - Rated 2 out of 5by nool, a year agoフォームにテキストを入力する場合に文字が二重になり操作(書き直しや削除、カーソルの移動など)自体ができなくなる。DeepLのアドオンを無効にして再読み込みして直すしか無い。
Developer response
posted a year agoこんにちは、
このバグを修正した新バージョンをリリースしました。もしまだおかしな動作が見られるようでしたら、 までお知らせください。ありがとうございました。
English: Hi,
We just released a new version of the extension with a fix for this bug. Please give it a try, and if you're still seeing strange behavior, let us know at Thank you. - Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 15241140, a year agoNo funciona correctamente en Firefox. Comento algunos de los problemas que he encontrado (usuario con licencia pro):
- La traducción automática es directa pero tan rápida que no ofrece la opción de volver a la versión original. A veces quiero ver el idioma original.
- No permite desactivar la opción de traducción completa automática de toda la web, genera un problema cuando quiero ver una web en su versión original.
- Leo muchas web con código y comandos que trata de traducir cuando no tiene sentido la traducción, es código que se ejecuta en el lenguaje de programación o scripts. - Rated 2 out of 5by Andreslav, a year agoПереводит хорошо, но иногда жёстко ломает поля ввода / редакторы текста на сайтах (например в админке wordpress и на странице редактирования / создания публикации на boosty). Буду использовать альтернативу.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Cassie, a year agoBuggy, works but bugs the whole text box, i would love to use it but check here:
- Rated 2 out of 5by Raşit, a year agoBuggy. It breaks text fields on some websites like (try to write a comment and delete some characters) and (try to type and delete some characters). It makes it look like your text is not deleted.
See this: - Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 18088275, a year agoTranslation is great but the extension is actually incredibly intrusive. The way it injects elements into the DOM causes some websites to break. There is also no option to translate after right clicking as the add-on claims. The Ctrl+Shift+Y shortcut also overlaps with other add-ons and there is no way to change it.
- Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 13930295, 2 years agoon sites where there is text input in the form, after entering text and scrolling down there is a ghost frame with text, which continues to hang regardless of the scrolling. I rechecked the entire arkenfox config on a clean profile until I found that the cause of this glitch is a *** deepl extension
- Rated 2 out of 5by nichu42, 2 years agoSimply the best translation service out there.
However, this add-on is unusable: Edited text in textarea fields gets completely messed up when the add-on is activated.