此插件可快速配置浏览器代理并一键切换 首次使用需要在浏览器扩展设置中打开"隐私窗口中运行"权限
13 users
SR POS Swiggy,Zomato Orders
Reads The Orders From Swiggy And Zomato to SR POS. This extension is used by restauranteer who run to save their incoming order to SR POS. From SR POS the order will be retrieved and saved to SR POS.
13 users
Create a Google Slides™ Deck
This extension creates a new Create a Google Slides™ Deck when the user is logged into their Google Account. If the user is not logged in, they will be directed to log into their Google Account.
13 users
Share by ChatGPT
A browser extension summarize web pages with ChatGPT for easy sharing on social media.
13 users
Mojira Plus
Various additional features for helpers, moderators, and other power users of Mojira.
13 users
Sit up Straight! This extension will help you track your posture as you browse with the help of your webcam.
13 users
Funny Funny - hahaha meme
funny faces will move through your browser.
13 users
EpubKit Pro
Web page to epub
13 users
WASD Pager
Page Flipping Helper Extension for Firefox. *A - PagePrevious *D - PageNext W - PageUp S - PageDown Q - Home E - End * - need to be configured. Using [RegExp] to match the [Site], and [querySelector] to find the corresponding Document Elements
12 users
Smart Text
Smart text substitutions on-the-fly when you input. Replace straight quotes with curly quotes (smart quotes), dumb dashes with en-dash/em-dash (smart dashes), 3 dots with ellipsis, and 6 dots with 2 mid-line ellipsis (used in Chinese).
12 users
Velantro Click to Call
Velantro.net hosted PBX click to call extension
12 users
Keyboard Savior Xtreme
Stops sites from hijacking keyboard shortcuts, such as the slash key to search. Permits sites to intercept keystrokes in selected areas, such as textual inputs, and allows whitelisting domains.
12 users
Unity Answers $$anonymous$$ Fix
Fixes the $$anonymous$$ hack on Unity Answers.
12 users
AdBlocker for ChatGptDemo
Block all ads on the chat.chatgptdemo.net page
12 users
Offline Page Saver
Saves entire web pages for offline viewing, with options to exclude ads.
12 users
Vivo Video Src
Adds a button on Vivo Videos, which coppies the video src url to the clipboard
12 users
Console Anti Anti-Debug
Prevents anti-debug techniques that target console functions
12 users
Kindle Highlight & Note Fetcher
This extension will fetch all highlights and notes of specific book from Notes & Highlights section of online Kindle reader.
12 users
Workflowy: disable spellcheck
Disables spellcheck for Workflowy.
12 users
Autocomplete fields of page.
12 users
Youtube embed link
Redirects all youtube links to embed (fullscreen) version
12 users
BC100 Autofill
Füllt verschiedene Felder (Kartennummer, Name, Adresse, etc.) im Online-Fahrgastrechteformular für BC100-Kunden aus.
12 users
Instant YouTube Video Search
A YouTube extension button for your instant video search.
12 users
Control Youtube
Control Youtube playlist without visiting the tab.
12 users
Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate
Displays a badge button of the current exchange rates based on cryptonator.com
12 users