Restore Blink Tag
Restores the functionality of the Blink Tag
12 users
Words Discoverer
Highlights rare English dictionary words and idioms on web pages. Facilitates English language learning and expands your vocabulary.
12 users
Easily convert time stamps form epoch to ISO 8601 format. Supports input in seconds, milliseconds and nanoseconds.
12 users
Convert timestamp in human readable dates
12 users
Better Wikipedia
Fixes some annoying things about Wikipedia
12 users
Stop Westlaw Timeout
An extension that stops Westlaw pages from timing out.
12 users
Auto-expand WaniKani's Item Info pane when you submit an answer during reviews, because using a mouse is the worst.
12 users
Fibery Browser Extension
Use Fibery Extension to create Entities — Competitors, Pages, Tickets — right from a web page
12 users
Sentry Cookie Sync
Sync cookies for local frontend development of
12 users
Censor Visual Studio C*de
Censor VS C*de in your browser
12 users
Mika Noise
Plays Mika saying "okay!" every 1-5 minute interval
12 users
Ask Before Download (Intercept Auto Download)
Used to prevent unnecessary wasting of mobile network traffic. Will prompt the user to confirm before download. Only Useful on Firefox Android, since other platform won't sliently accept downloads.
12 users
Towards a better Gumtree. FreeTheTree extension improves Gumtree the UK's number one classifieds site functionality.
12 users
Crash-Stats: State of the Bug
The extension checks the state of bugs that are associated to crash signatures in the top crasher lists and search results.
12 users
The best extension to show information about AMO and related services.
12 users
Decode On Copy
Automatically base64 decodes any text copied to the clipboard if that text can be decoded to a valid URL.
12 users
AoC norush extension
AoC: If you want to start solving later but would still compete with your friends
12 users
What is my IP
Find out your IP address with just one click using what is my IP tool for free. Thanks to the GoodCloudStorage for offering a safe service to check IP address for free.
12 users
Disney+ Message Remover
This addon is designed to remove messages from Disney+ before your movie starts. It currently blocks the stereotype warning which saves you 15 seconds. If any other type of message is added or shown I will update this plugin to block that as well.
12 users
Bullet Journal
Note taking extension to jot down quick thoughts or to save longer notes.
12 users
GPA FPT University Calculator
culate Total GPA and semester GPA An Extension for Students of FPT Caculate GPA and evalue rank each Semester
12 users
BitBucket Comment Catalog
Lets the user define comment templates for BitBucket server. For each template, a button is added to the BitBucket pull request page. When clicking the button, the comment text from the configured template is automatically added to the pull request.
12 users
Stop loading images and other media by default like imglikeopera
12 users
NsTools website extension
12 users
Drag to Save
Offline Read Later list manager, with which you can save the current page, using the popup. Unlike other add-ons, you can also drag links anywhere to save them (instead of using the context menu)
12 users