An extension to help you to keep track of your friends' problem-solving achievements on LeetCode by displaying the leaderboard.
12 users
Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
Records and controls operations on webpages.
12 users
Baha anime Automatically play ads in the background (you need to play the video to a certain length) and you don’t need to watch the ads in the next episode
12 users
A browser extension to remove Chegg's annoying 2 device limit. It uses only a few lines of JavaScript to remove the popups and general restrictions when having more than 2 devices on an account.
12 users
Power BI Report Previewer
The Power BI Report Previewer extension is dedicated to enhancing your report browsing experience in Power BI. It serves a single, clear purpose: to make the process of finding and selecting reports in Power BI as straightforward and efficient as pos
12 users
Workday Schedule Exporter
Adds the functionality to export a course schedule from Workday
12 users
Color Tailor
Dynamic theme that uses the current website's "primary" color
12 users
GNOME Theme Manager
Manage GNOME Shell themes and appearance settings. Offers centralized control over GNOME Shell themes, icons, fonts, and other visual elements, allowing users to customize the look and feel of their desktop environment.
12 users
Finds references to specification sections in the Gecko codebase.
12 users
CRC Helper
Your companion for CRC. See crowdsourced reports on problematic researchers and report them instantly!
12 users
2D & 3D Calc
Calculator for calculating circuit and area shapes, surface and volume solids.
12 users
12 users
Auto Login
Uses a auto login a blsspainmorocco website
12 users
ChatGPT assistant for Google Meet
Meeting assistant that provides instant answers and speech explanations during Google Meet calls, Powered by ChatGPT-4.
12 users
Trolling with Love
Inject humor into your web browsing experience with random image replacements.
12 users
Click-to-Edit DTSharePoint
Links to MS Office files on the Durie Tangri SharePoint server open for editing in the appropriate application.
12 users
Robinhood Mint Sync
Automatically add your Robinhood portfolio to Mint
12 users
Twitch Autoplay Blocker
This extension blocks videos from autoplaying when you visit the Twitch site. When you visit a Twitch site, there's often a video that autoplays as soon as you open the page, interrupting your browsing experience.
12 users
An easy way to organize your tabs. You can switch between groups to stay focused, mute noisy groups, or copy tabs for reference later.
12 users
RcVCite makes looking up bible verses on a website or blog fast and easy. It displays the content of that verse when you click on a reference or your mouse moves over the reference.
12 users
A minimal tab organizer that helps you manage your current opened tabs in a visual way. - Navigate through your opened tabs - Close one or multiple tabs - Bookmark one or multiple tabs at once - Search for an existing folder or create a new one
12 users
Request RegEx Filter
This Add-on will filter all HTTP requests (including requests for javascript files, images etc) based on the list of regular expressions the user provides. The addon works off of a Deny-list configured via the Options/Settings page for the Addon
12 users
Mouse Commander
An extension to quickly do common browser actions with mouse.
12 users
Brings customization options and QoL improvements to crunchyroll.com to make Crunchyroll more usable. Eg darkmode, resizable player, custom backgrounds, default quality setting, toggleable autoplay and more.
12 users
Clip url
Copy the page url directly from the address bar
12 users