ARC Toolkit
Accessibility testing tool from TPGi
341 users
Load newly-opened background tabs on selection, rather than automatically in the background. This addon uses the WebExtensions API, and therefore fully supports Firefox 57+.
339 users
Skip Ads
Skip all annoying ads
337 users
Temporary Mobile View
Temporarily switch the current tab into Android or iOS view
337 users
SeLite SQLite Connection Manager
It manages SQLite DB connection(s). It can be used with other extensions from SeLite family, or on its own.
335 users
Link Analyzer
Analyze the status of the links in a complete webpage or in selected text.
334 users
HTML Content Blocker
Blocks desired HTML contents (script, style, image, object, media)
333 users
Shadertoy Custom Texures
Allows you to use custom 2D textures, music and videos in Shadertoy. To load an image, drag and drop it (either from your computer or from the web) onto one of the texture preview slots.
333 users
Base64 Encoder and Decoder
Link Webbie Firefox add on that enables you to encode and decode strings in base64.
333 users
HTTP Header Spy
HTTP Header Spy enables you to inspect request- response headers and cookies right after page load with no extra clicks.
331 users
Passwork Auto Logon
Use your Passwork accounts to auto signin on web sites in one click.
330 users
Easy Favicon Scraper
Download the favicon of a website with 1 click
329 users
Font Size Increase
Increase font size on any web page with one click.
328 users
Alexa RANK
Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet's free extension for Mozilla. Alexa Traffic Rank accompanies you as you surf, providing you with data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing.
328 users
Copy as Python Requests
Copy requests from the devtools network panel as Python requests code for fast traffic mimicing.
328 users
Time Zone Converter - Savvy Time
Time zone and local time converter. Compare and convert time between many locations at a time.
327 users
Gimp online image editor
Create and edit images and photos with Gimp Online
327 users
Cloudflare Optics
Cloudflare Optics is a browser extension that helps display interesting information when you visit a site, particularly if that site is proxied through Cloudflare.
324 users
Canvas Blocker - Fingerprint Protect
Prevent HTML canvas element from generating a unique identification key to protect user's privacy
324 users
NumEcoDiag vous permet d’évaluer facilement l’écoconception de votre service ou produit numérique. Développé par la MiNumEco, il se base sur les 79 critères du Référentiel Général d’Écoconception de Services Numériques (RGESN).
323 users
Material Design Colors Picker
Copy a Material Design Color in one click in either #HEX, HEX, RGB and RGBA format.
322 users
Open Two-Factor Authenticator
A sync-able open-source two-factor authenticator
321 users
Custom CSS
Overwrite or inject custom CSS into website.
320 users
Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
319 users
The Stream Detector PLUS
Detects playlists and subtitles used by streams, incl. custom file extensions and headers. Assembles readymade commands for tools.
319 users