hektCaptcha: hCaptcha Solver
Automatically solve hCaptcha using AI. Locally, with Firefox extension.
311 users
JS Injector
Inject JavaScript custom code into every webpage (e.g. to help with debugging).
311 users
Material Design Colors Picker
Copy a Material Design Color in one click in either #HEX, HEX, RGB and RGBA format.
310 users
Webcompat.com Reporter
Adds a button to allow users to easily report site compatibility issues at webcompat.com, for the active tab.
309 users
Webpage Evaluation Tool.
309 users
NumEcoDiag vous permet d’évaluer facilement l’écoconception de votre service ou produit numérique. Développé par la MiNumEco, il se base sur les 79 critères du Référentiel Général d’Écoconception de Services Numériques (RGESN).
309 users
VPN Master - Free HTTP and SOCKS Proxies
A free reliable VPN solution based on HTTP, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5 proxy servers
308 users
Color Picker
Pick up amazing color on one click
306 users
Image Map Editor
Check and editing the image maps inside the web page with magnifying glass.
306 users
Easy Steam Collection
This will create an easier way to add all of your addons to any stream collection you create in a single click.
305 users
AWS SSO Extender
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpd82mK3Itk ⭐ Quickly access your Favorite AWS SSO apps 🎨 Customize your profiles, roles & AWS console 🔑 Assume IAM roles from your SSO profiles 🦊 Open the AWS console in Firefox Containers
303 users
New Hackbar
A sitebar that helps pentesters to perform manual web security testing inside their browser. This addon is written in webextension and alternatives to the XUL version of original Hackbar.
302 users
Cache Cleaner
Modern Browser Addon to easily clean selected cache items for specific sites or the whole browser with a single key press, from the right-click context menu or via the toolbar icon popup. Allows clearing Cache Storage in Firefox for the current site.
302 users
Virtual Hosts
Apply virtual hosts and overwrite the Hosts header for development purposes.
302 users
Canvas Blocker - Fingerprint Protect
Prevent HTML canvas element from generating a unique identification key to protect user's privacy
301 users
Get insight into the performance of the website in the current tab - sort of a mini live version of WebPageTest.
300 users
Remove Site Cookies
Remove Site Cookies
298 users
EyeBankWeb Plugin Adapter
This add-on allows FireFox to call the locally installed IrisGuard EyeBank APIs using native messaging, giving the user full functionality of all IrisGuard EyeBank APIs calls such as capturing iris images and doing a recognition.
297 users
A web extension for firefox allowing to view multiple view widths at once. Inspired by Emmet Re:view
297 users
Characters Counter
Find out how many characters there are in a selection by simply right-clicking it.
297 users
JavaScript Switch
This plugin provides a button which behaves like that, set `javascript.enabled`=`false` or `true` at `about:config` page..
297 users
Many screen readers like JAWS or NVDA have shortcuts to bring up a list of landmarks, headings or links. This browser extension provides the same functionality without requiring a screen reader. Just press Ctrl+Shift+7.
296 users
Auto Save HTML
Auto Save HTML is a small extension which can be used to automatically download the HTML document(s) of a specified website when browsing that same website.
296 users
Save Image As PNG
Adds 'Save Image As PNG' option to the context menu of images
293 users
WebDAV Browser
Browse a URL as a WebDAV share
293 users