Allows you to change font/style; also adds cheats
292 users
Displays the current viewport size when resizing the browser window.
292 users
MDN Search
To use, type 'mdn' plus your search term into the url bar. Works for JavaScript and CSS reference articles.
290 users
Pesticide for Firefox
This extension inserts the Pesticide CSS into the current page, outlining each element to better see placement on the page. Copyright (c) 2014 Paul Molluzzo picked up by Samuel Corsi-House in 2020.
290 users
Color Picker
Click to get the color code of an element on the current web page.
290 users
Adobe Target VEC Helper
Load your website's desktop and mobile views effortlessly in Adobe Target with the VEC helper extension
287 users
DeploySentinel Recorder
Record browser interactions to auto generate Cypress, Playwright and Puppeteer test scripts.
286 users
Permanent Inspect Element
Save the changes you make to a page with Inspect Element so they wouldn't go away after refreshing
286 users
Postwoman-ufo Browser Extension
为使用Postwoman UFO Web应用程序提供更好的体验,顺畅的在 和 WEB应用下访问localhost应用内WEB API,请访问 (
286 users
Angular state inspector
Helps you to debug Angular component state. Supports Angular 1/2+/Ivy/hybrid!
285 users
Canvas Capture
Capture video from canvas elements
284 users
Clickin -- usage instruction. The most simple to use autoclicker... Literally, I made this because I couldn't find a good one :D
284 users
Free Backlink Checker by LRT
Free backlink checker to verify all links on a page. Finds broken, unverified, no-follow, follow, internal, external links.
282 users
Open in Opera
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Opera browser.
280 users
Cookie Editor - Extended
Simple yet powerful Cookie Editor that allow you to quickly create, edit and delete cookies without leaving your tab.
280 users
Simple JavaScript Injector
This addon creates a small popup that lets you paste some JS code and inject it into the page you are currently seeing.
278 users
Allows you to change font/style; also adds cheats
276 users
single-spa Inspector
A devtools panel for single-spa applications.
276 users
Copy Tabs
Copy tabs as hyperlinks or as plaintext URLs, similar to MS Edge, but actually even better since this addons supports copying mutliple tabs at the same time.
275 users
Pieces for Developers: Copilot & Code Capture
Save, share, generate and understand code snippets & concepts to boost your productivity during online research and problem-solving.
275 users
Polypane helper
Open the current page in Polypane using the button in your task bar, or right click any link to open that URL in Polypane. Polypane, the browser for responsive web development and design
275 users
Get your every day lorem ipsum text faster.
275 users
Proxy Switch
Easily toggle between proxy settings.
274 users
Siteimprove Browser Extension
Website performance scores at your fingertips Have the most comprehensive performance metrics always by your side: - how a web page lives up to quality standards - how discoverable it is for search engines - if it meets accessibility standards
274 users
NetSuite Toolbox
Several tools to work better with netsuite. For more informations:
273 users