Auto-Sort Bookmarks 的评价
Auto-Sort Bookmarks 作者: Eric Bixby
6 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 sigitarif,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 fireside,5 年前I have 21 megabytes of bookmarks (.json file). This addon sorts them in a minute and a half. The "Sort Bookmarks" addon sorts them in 10 seconds (like the old SortPlaces addon did). So I now use the "Sort Bookmarks" addon.
发布于 5 年前This add-on used to have delta sorting (sort only the changes). It currently sorts everything (not efficient but more stable). Just curious, if you re-import all your bookmarks, does "Sort Bookmarks" still only take 10 seconds? Anyway, I will consider adding delta sort back. Add a feature request on the GitHub site to remind me. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Ovb1c,6 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14034620,7 年前When I place a tick for AutoSort in Firefox ESR52.8 , the SAVE botton seems unresponsive and the tick does NOT persist when Firefox is REopened.
发布于 6 年前Did you try a newer version of Firefox ESR for the save issue. Also, version 3.3 of this add-on might work better for you. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Dan Moorehead | PowerAccess (,7 年前Periodically Auto-Start gets re-enabled without any kind of notice - despite my always disabling and saving settings.
Not only does this mess up bookmarks, but it locks up Firefox for what had appeared to be an unknown reason (took a while to pinpoint) during every browsing session, freezing it for as 10min (possibly longer) with me 30,000+ bookmarks.
Please FIX so that Auto-Sort doesn't keep getting re-enabled.
Until that critical issue is fixed, I will be using (and suggest others use):
Also, it seems like there are settings left over in about:config, which are ignored. Please auto-delete these as they end up being confusing and seemingly broken.
It seems like this might occur whenever extension is updated (though not sure)?
Also please add support for the following features (critical for me to be able to use):
1) Add option to sort a specific bookmark folder on-demand (via context menu for Bookmarks Toolbar and/or Manager) - (this may remove or reduce need for more complex exclude folders option for some - and is the only way I would end up using this anymore)
2) Add Options to Exclude folders (child bookmarks and optionally subfolders under it - eg. so bookmarks directly under Bookmarks Toolbar don't get sorted, just a few specific folders (usually recursively).开发者回应
发布于 7 年前The next version will disable auto-sort by default. The "about:config" settings are not used. You can just manually delete them. I don't think there is an API to remove them under the WebExtensions API, but I'll check.
1) You don't need any add-on to sort a specific folder. Firefox already does this.
2) Yes, I'm working on the "Exclude Folders" option, but it requires a re-write due to Mozilla removing the bookmark tag feature under WebExtensions.