eBay item location - My country only 的评价
eBay item location - My country only 作者: Mountassir Hafi
1 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 pineybreeze,6 年前I would really love to use this add-on, since eBay has been ignoring user requests for this option for years. However, requiring the "Access your data for all websites" permission, which gives the add-on access to your usernames and passwords is a dealbreaker.
Reply to developer response: Thanks for the github link, but like most people, I am not able to read programming code, so it doesn't really help me. Even if I were able to verify what you say is true, it makes no sense to give any add-on that kind of access (except a password manager) - what if someone found a way to exploit it? It seems to me permissions should be configured in such a way that a plugin can check to see whether you're on a certain site without needing access to all your usernames and passwords for every single site you log in to.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thanks for the feedback, this extension does not access any of the user data. In fact it does not even run until the user loads an eBay link, in which case it gets a copy of the link to determine whether it is an eBay search or not. Once the eBay search has been updated, this extension goes back to sleep mode.
The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/mountassir/ebay-search-extention