Full Web Page Screenshots (♥♥♥♥♥) 的评价
Full Web Page Screenshots (♥♥♥♥♥) 作者: susbox
34 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18021104,2 年前when U try to use it, and press the right mouse key U get a popup-menu with the width of the full name of the plugin; So the popup-menu obstructs more than half of the web page
- 评分 2 / 5来自 piecevcake,2 年前PLEASE FIX THE APPALLING PRINT QUALITY!
NO other printer produces the fuzzy unreadable text that RUINS an otherwise 5 star addon. - 评分 2 / 5来自 USER-EXPERIENCEONLY,2 年前10-10-24: Still not fully functional in chrome, partial screen save only good in ffox. All these screen savers are slow, and cannot handle large pages, frequently freezing your desktop, sometimes requring reboot.
1-5-23: Authors of this add on just do not have the talent to fix it's flaws. Cannot handle long pages which are really not THAT long. Freezes up you machine with no warning or way to escape, sometimes requring a hard reboot. Not good. Cannot make the capture selection feature work reliable and saves the entire page w/out your permission-that's one reason why you get a frozen computer that you have to reboot after this extension disables it.
11-7-23: da same: freezes computer on long pages with no progress bar or error message. SLOWWWWWWW. takes forever to capture and download image. Annoying popups asking if you're happy with it. Why ask since you can't fix it.
9-16-23: downgraded one star because on large pages it gobbles up your memory and freezes your computer often requiring long wait and/or hard restart. Does not work on portable browsers not integrated into your OS. Very SLOW to load, SLOW to capture and SLOW to save. Cannot set the download folder without their SHIT company domain in it, unless u do it manually each time.
Basically a good addon. Has trouble with long page loads especially on tor browser loads-does not respong to cancel screenshot when frozen or 2 slow to load. Generally too slow to respond and load the page and save it. Useful addone that needs some improvement. - 评分 2 / 5来自 eUROs,2 年前It used to be my Number 1 favorite Extension, and I was using it for years every day, But lately it asked me to download an offline application on my computer, in order to "utilize" the full potential of this extension. By doing so after some days the "supposed trial" has end... And it doesn't work now on my firefox browser. It is really strange, because on my other Browsers (Edge and Chrome) I can use it normally without any problem. In Firefox now It doesn't allow me to take screenshots if i don't pay. I should have never downloaded your offline app. 🙄 I don't understand what happened, so I had to Uninstall your offline application from my pc, to try if it still works on my Firefox, but it doesn't. What went wrong? Since this can't be fixed on my browser, I have replaced it with another great Addon identical to yours, and its called "Awesome screenshot"!
- 评分 2 / 5来自 HonestReviews,2 年前12-21-24: partial image only works on ffox. slow. bogs down or freezes laptop on long pages, no warning. Sometimes requiring reboot.
8-8-24: Only allows user selection of portion of page on Firefox-will not work on other browers it's all of nothing then. Frequently cannot deal with long pages and freezes your pc. Slow.
4-24-24: gotten worse instead of better. Author could not fix the problem with not being able to select portions of a page so now you have NO CHOICE you get the full page whether youwant it or not. Because the author can't program his way out of a paper bag, that's why. SLOOWWWWW not infrequently freezed your computer without any escape. More junkware addons.
12-28-23: Reduced to two stars. Developer doesn't have the skills to ensure that capture SELECTION is available and program auto captures entire page whether you like it or not. This results in your computer freezing up because program cannot deal with overlimit memory usage-no warnings no way to escape except reboot. BADBADBAD! Amateur hour. Works well on small pages but is exceedingly SLOWWWW. Nuf said.
7-4-23: update:
another addon that works about 60% of the time. Rest of the time it is TOO SLOW and you cannot reliable scroll save screenshots as it is unresponsive or too damn slow to respond. Especially bad with the crap browser tor or any page you want to scroll several pages. Hard to determine when to stop the scroll. Key shortcuts work better than mouse clicks for this. Good idea but like most extensions not implemented well. Takes too long also to download the image and save it. Not a flexible way to set a unique download folder for this.
update 4-7-23: doesn't work on tor browser with long page. you sometimes get "infinite page detected, stop load?" But then the stop load doesn't work and you cannot save anything. SLOWWWW SLOWWW, take a coffee break while your waiting for this junk addone to load. Only works on short pages.
works but SLOWWWWW. Especially slow when making pdf file, painfully slow.
5-2-23: Still mostly not working on tor browsers with longer pages. When it DOES work it is painfully slow. Can't wait all day for it to complete. Doesn't work at all on earlier versions of tor browser. So far NO GOOD total screen capture available, they all suck. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14775943,2 年前Didn't work even with 15 minutes of messing with it however that might have been facebooks fault otherwise it'd be 1 star
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Kralle,3 年前Ich habe "Bildschirmfoto speichern" installiert für schnelle Screenshots und "Fireshot" für gute Qualität. Inzwischen ist "Bildschirmfoto speichern" in punkto Qualität besser geworden und ist genauso gut - das somit die bessere Wahl ist da Werbefrei, schneller und simpler (kann nur kein PDF).
Leider sind aber beide Prog. nicht in der Lage, einen "Shot" in Original-Qualität zu erstellen, wie man es unter Windows mit der "Druck"-Taste kann.
Seltsam, oder !?! - 评分 2 / 5来自 cinefilm,3 年前Despite the fact that my default image capture settings are "save as JPG," it habitually saves as MS-DOS which my Win10 does not recognize. That requires me to import the result into a paint program to convert to an image. Why is that? Very inconvenient.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 pjmarengo,3 年前Does not capture full pages even when "full page" is selected; it only captures the portion that is visible in the monitor. Just like Firefox's native screen capture.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14046267,3 年前It has an extremely annoying frequent updates. They seem as whenever any juvenile programmers wrote a single line of code, they ask you for update screening.
The only advantage they have over most other screenshot add-ons is that they allow scrolling screenshot. But that comes often with buggy functionality. This add-on freezes often on Firefox and stops working as opposed to other screenshot add-ons.
If you don't need a scrolling screenshot add-on, I recommend, you take a more reliable add-on. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12423982,3 年前Sort of works but it will cut off the bottom/top by a few lines. For some, those cut-off is ok but for many, it makes the app pointless.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Cath,4 年前Je n'aime pas émettre un avis négatif... Cette application serait bien voire très bien... il y a un bug quand je l'utilise. Je ne peux faire une copie écran qu'une seule fois ! je dois fermer Firefox pour pouvoir faire une 2ème copie écran. Je ne sais pas pourquoi ? donc je le désinstalle malheureusement.
(j'utilise la version gratuite).
Vu les autres avis c'est une application qui fonctionne...
Bonne journée ! - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 9974324,4 年前i don't know why they update it. it is now broken and can not take images from google maps.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 11869916,4 年前Does not work with https://www.pricerunner.dk/ct/18/Koeleskab?attr_2000070=52062131,2003149,2003142&attr_59711098=59711099&sort=name_asc
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13252090,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Marty,4 年前Updated review. Does actually scroll but seems to just take a screen shot, scroll, then take another screen shot and stitch them together, with a page bar in the middle. Pretty terrible but at least it scrolled and captured, most of the others just capture without scrolling.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Robbit,4 年前Schafft leider keine vollständige Seite eines Spiegel-Online-Artikels (das untere Viertel ist einfach schwarz).
- 评分 2 / 5来自 GDragon,4 年前К сожалению не может сделать скриншот с прокруткой текста решения в гас правосудии (например - https://bsr.sudrf.ru/bigs/showDocument.html?id=3_f434687b44db6739ce986e5b8cfe4427&shard=%D0%92%D1%81%D0%B5%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0&fieldName=case_user_document_text_tag&from=p&r={%22id%22:%223_f434687b44db6739ce986e5b8cfe4427%22,%22hlColors%22:[%22searchHL0%22],%22uid%22:%228456f599-6e0c-4b57-9f17-e1c445061121%22})
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Redjac,4 年前Prior to the last update, this add-on worked well w/FF. Now it only works once unless you dump FF and completely restart. Works OK in SeaMonkey at the moment. I plan to look for something else that actually works and is properly supported to replace the crappy print modules in FF and Monkey (has been the same old issues since the early Mozilla branded browser!).
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Paolo,5 年前Spesso va in crash, peccato, come app sarebbe buona, la disinstallo e installo varie volte