Maps links in Brave Search 作者: diego.aldarese
可在 Android™ 版 Firefox 上使用可在 Android™ 版 Firefox 上使用
Extension to add Maps links to the Brave Search page
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展

- Introduces a new tab on the search results page, which provides a link to your chosen maps service, showing the location related to your search query;
- Adds a button to the minimaps in the search results to open the location in your preferred maps provider;
- Adds a button to the "Place" snippet in the search results to open the location in your preferred maps provider (Brave already does this for getting directions from here).
Chromium version: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/maps-links-in-brave-searc/ondbffgahgofdhonchkcoiigkolcbdmk
The code (useful for manual installation in any browser, knowing what is running on your machine and possibly forking it to make your own similar extension) is hosted at: https://github.com/stignarnia/add-maps-links-brave-search
If you have any issues with the extension or want to suggest a new feature, please let me know in the comments here or in the repository by creating an issue.
Many thanks to "Re-introduce google maps links to search page" (https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/re-introduce-google-maps/mjkkdbmdflkcjmonelmlokplkgnjcnji). I forked it to use as a template for this extension.
- 访问您在 search.brave.com 域名的数据
diego.aldarese 制作的更多扩展
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