6 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Chani,5 年前Sidebar didn't display any notes until halfway through writing this. Notes sometimes show on different pages on the same site, sometimes don't. Notes don't reliably show up on the page they were created on either. Now that the notes are showing in the sidebar, they all look the same because they just use the first 20-ish characters of the url, not even enough for the whole domain name.
What I'm actually looking for is a plugin that'll do site-specific notes instead of page-specific notes, but the only one I found was discontinued years ago :(开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Hi, first of all, I want to let you know some information about how this addon works, as I think that part of the problems you have had comes from that:
- Sidebar didn't display any notes until halfway through writing this: First time you install the addon, you need to reload all the pages. If not, the addon won't be loaded in the page as expected and it won't work (notes not being added to the sidebar is one of the symptoms of this problem).
- Notes sometimes show on different pages on the same site, sometimes don't: This addon is prepared for static pages, on which the content is loaded when the page is loaded and never changed (it uses the full url to place the notes). If you are using this in dynamic pages, it won't work as expected (as the URL is the same, the annotations will be shown). If you are using this in a specific page and it is failing, please, open an issue in the supporting page so I can review. Sometimes the styles used in the pages cause an strange behavior with the annotations.
- Now that the notes are showing in the sidebar, they all look the same because they just use the first 20-ish characters of the url, not even enough for the whole domain name: The space in the sidebar is very limited, so it is not possible to show larger names. If you put the mouse over the page, the full name will be displayed. And if you want to have a more clear name that helps you to easily identify the page of the notes, you can click with left button over the name of the page and you can change it.
I'm sad you didn't like this addon. If you have any suggestion or have found any issue, I encourage you to go to the support page and open a new item (https://outgoing.prod.mozaws.net/v1/bd0f543dfb3b25e16f7f889ecb29e426b02ed4d4c9057d17c65436d10a0de8a4/https%3A//github.com/carriH/My-Notes/issues) or send an email to carri83@gmail.com so I can investigate/analyze it. - 评分 1 / 5来自 juliber,6 年前Funcionaba bien, pero en la última actualización de Firefox, a medida que voy escribiendo, automaticamente luego se borra lo que escribí, no se que pasa. No puedo recuperar lo escrito.
发布于 6 年前Hola, hay una página de soporte a la que se puede dirigir en caso de encontrar algún error en la extensión (https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/mis-notas/). Por favor, puede crear un nuevo ticket en esa página? (si lo desea, también puede enviarme un correo electrónico a carri83@gmail.com). He intentado reproducir el problema pero no he sido capaz. Me puede dar más información sobre cómo reproducirlo? (en qué páginas ocurre, qué acciones hay que realizar para que pase, cualquier información que pueda ser de utilidad para detectar el problema). Un saludo. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13848867,6 年前Falla demasiado, casi nunca aparecen las notas para escribir o aparecen duplicadas en las ventanas que tienes abiertas a ambos lados.
Imposible confiar en algo que falla tanto.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前hola, puede darme más información acerca de los fallos que comentas? (en qué páginas pasan y si pasan al hacer alguna acción concreta). Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo a través del correo electrónico carri83@gmail.com para intentar resolver el problema, o si lo desa también puede entrar en el sitio de ayuda y crear una incidencia nueva explicando el problema. Muchas gracias. - 评分 1 / 5来自 dixl,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Stormhawke,7 年前I was excited to find this but I also can't use it, apparently. I added version 1.0.6 to firefox version 56.0.2 and when I right click (highlighted or not) no options from this addon show up. I looked in Support but was just confused. I'd happily adjust my rating if it worked!
发布于 7 年前Hi, I´m using firefox 56.0.2 (64 bits) and it works fine. Have you tried to reboot the browser after installing the extension? does the sidebar load correctly?