Reverso – Translation, dictionary 的评价
Reverso – Translation, dictionary 作者:
11 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Rodion Borisov,3 年前Refuses to translate several normal things. Can't translate bigger chunks of text. And even if I cut it to pieces, translations lack in Context a lot (get the pun here?).
Always takes sweet initialization time, when it really shouldn't - let me paste the damn thing first and then I'll wait all you want! Overengineered monstrosity.
It is inconvenient that I have to press the field yet again after swapping languages. Tab key navigation is very poor. Preferences aren't integrated with browser, which leaves a bad aftertaste. - 评分 2 / 5来自 fixundfoxi,3 年前Um die Funktionen gut zu nutzen, benötigst du ein Premiumabo. Ohne Anmeldung bekommst du nur sehr wenig Text übersetzt. Nach der Registrierung ist die angezeigte Textmenge nur unwesentlich größer. Reservo saugt eine Menge Daten für wenig Gegenleistung.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 soulbuddy,4 年前Я не смог настроить почти ничего - панель расширения вообще не реагирует ни клики.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 omavel,4 年前Мне не понравилось дополнение - постоянно вылетают назойливые сообщения, да и дизайн оставляет желать лучшего.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 jimmy,5 年前Can not turn off upper banner on youtube. I press "register", "login" and "not now" button - NO REACTION. It just hangs there and use screen space.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14652958,6 年前Reverso difines both "emotionell" and "emotional" as adjectives, the English "emotional". Unless both German words can be used interchangeably, there should be examples of when to use which word.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 PERCE-NEIGE,6 年前Memory leaks, please fix them. I have a message from Firefox, in a yellow window, that one of the scripts of the extension slows down my browser. Needs more languages.
发布于 6 年前Thank you for your feedback! We couldn't reproduce this issue. Could you please provide more details?
We are constantly working on improving translation quality and extension usability. We will add new translation directions soon. - 评分 2 / 5来自 limur,7 年前It makes a lot of terrible translations. Sometimes the writers of Reverso translations are apparently amusing themselves by writing joke translations. It badly needs for the translations to be checked by an independent person.
Also it needs a way to report a bad translation. The built in reporting feature didn't work for me.
And it gets very slow sometimes.
It actually works better to open another tab for a dictionary and type in words to look up.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thank you for your feedback! We have a large database of translations. We are permanently working on improving translation quality and extension usability. Feedback from users through build-in form helps a lot. Concerning extension slowing down, could you please provide more details: when does it happen, what are your settings? - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 10534054,8 年前When double click/highlighting a word no Context button appears (in setting it is well checked).
- 评分 2 / 5来自 ikuranoff,8 年前Firefox extension constantly switch translate settings to Rus->French. I DO NOT NEED FRENCH! Only ENG -> RUS and RUS -> ENG sometimes. Please add default language to the settings! This automatic switching is pissing me off!!!
发布于 8 年前Dear valued user,
thank you very much for your report. Your comments are of high value for us. You found the issue in our algorithm for target language determination. We will correct it as soon as possible and issue the new version. It will be updated automatically in your browser.
Thank you again,
Reverso Context development team