Save to Notion 的评价
Save to Notion 作者: Anis Gadhgadhi
8 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 keywal,10 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Kaboose,2 年前Unfortunately the “Save to Notion” extension suffers from a serious flaw that it is not apparent on first use. After some usage, the extension will stop working and report an "Error - Unknown error when submitting". According to the developer of the extension: “t's a problem with the Notion's session which becomes out of date and the extension doesn't notice it” and the only way to fix it is to uninstall and re-install the extension. Practically speaking, this means that you will periodically lose ALL your saved form templates and you will have to re-create them from scratch. If, like me, you use this extension heavily (multiple templates with multiple fields with multiple defaults), this means that every few months, you will have to spend around 2-3 hours to recreate your “Save to Notion” setup all over again. After a few times, the process gets tiring and you start to question if the added productivity you get from this extension is worth the hassle.
I reported this bug more than two years ago (January 2021). Since other people have already reported the issue before me, the developer was already aware of it. As of February 2023, neither the bug has been fixed nor the developer has provided any way to mitigate it (ability to backup “Save to Notion” templates or to store them in the Cloud/Dropbox...).
I have downgraded my original rating from 5 to 1-star. I will update this review when the problem gets fixed or, at least, mitigated. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17645097,2 年前creating new tags using save to notion popup doesn't work anymore & it doesn't notify whether i saved the webpage before or not
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Eryth,3 年前Add-on not showing all databases but rather showing only a single database.
I have 7 databases but it s only showing the last one I created.
Please help. I loved this extension. 💔 - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15258948,3 年前Seems to be not working with Firefox 97.0.2 even after re-installing the extension. Conflict with securities ?
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Axel Rz,3 年前La mejor extensión para notion, pero en firefox no funciona como en chrome, no guarda las páginas en mis bases de datos, se queda cargando y nunca guarda, por alguna razón no me funciona en acá firefox
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Zygen,4 年前This extension use to be amazing, but has been broken for a year now almost, will eventually break after the notion session expires. I would LOVE to recommend this, but it is just currently broken.