Save webP as PNG or JPEG (Converter) 的评价
Save webP as PNG or JPEG (Converter) 作者: jscher2000
jscher2000 的回应
发布于 5 个月前First, I didn't realize the button bar was scrunched in a way that makes it unusable on those images. I'll have to investigate.
Second, by default, if you Shift+click the menu item, it bypasses the button bar and saves as PNG. You can change which action occurs on a plain click versus Shift+click in the options. (Another reviewer shared an example of where to change this: )
I have a couple pending requests to have sub-menus as an alternative to a button bar, since not everyone finds that design attractive, but I haven't found time to work on that.
Second, by default, if you Shift+click the menu item, it bypasses the button bar and saves as PNG. You can change which action occurs on a plain click versus Shift+click in the options. (Another reviewer shared an example of where to change this: )
I have a couple pending requests to have sub-menus as an alternative to a button bar, since not everyone finds that design attractive, but I haven't found time to work on that.