ScrapBee 的评价
ScrapBee 作者: Victor Fence
21 条评价
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Niki,1 年前I love this add-on - I loved Scrapbook, and I badly needed a replacement, and here it is! I use it to keep copies of online recipes, and to easily download HTML copies of books from Project Gutenberg which I can then use the edit function to mark up.
Unfortunately, it will only work for a month or so, and then it will fail to load and I will have to re-install. I think this has to do with its default behavior on my system of downloading to, and installing in, c:\Windows\temp. When I manually installed it elsewhere, it worked for about six months uninterrupted before I needed to reinstall it again (today) - at which point it wouldn't work until I let it install to c:\windows\temp again. So that's mildly inconvenient. If there's a more graceful fix for this I'd be grateful to hear it!
One feature from Scrapbook I wish Scrapbee included was the ability to define "link depth" in the Advanced Save function. Any chance of this happening in future updates?
Edit: I did not find out why it stopped working. And today I tried to follow the Manual instructions on the help page, and it was very confusing and didn't seem to have anything to do with file location, just host and port and password. I can only seem to get the extension to run if I do the automatic install from c:\windows\temp.开发者回应
发布于 1 年前Hi, did you find out why it stop working in months? And I suggest to run backend (placed in a diffenent directory) manually, see "Install and Run Backend Program" part in help page. - 评分 4 / 5来自 aoumigame,3 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13523201,4 年前While ScrapBee is slower than the original screpbook, it allows me access pages I captured via scrapbook and to capture web pages like the original has. I ran into a problem because the backend on Linux was built using GLIBC 2.32 while Ubuntu 20.04 has only GLIBC 2.31. Following Victor's advise I downloaded the code and in a few seconds (yes, that's all it took) I built the backend, renamed it to scrapbee_backend and moved it to replace the one installed via the extension. All is working again.
发布于 4 年前Hi, you can compile backend for yourself, see source code and compiling commands in backend github repo.
What is slow for you? - 评分 4 / 5来自 michth,4 年前Excellent Addon which saved my day and gave me back old saved data from Scrabook which I already lost hope I'll ever see again.
Only one small issue is that keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B is in conflict with Bookmarks Toolbar display switch. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13326192,4 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14392904,5 年前Could you please check the page saving function on aliexpress item pages?
It doesn't save most of the page content.
aliexpress (dot) com/item/32954659056.html for example.
Save and scroll down to compare the source and saved page.
It seems I found the reason of this behavior - a lazy load of the item description in the middle part of the Aliexpress page.
I'm on 1080 notebook screen (and thats quite typical resolution for portable PC) so the page reports "all done" to the browser while the main page part is not loaded until I scroll down below the first screen.
Anyway the SingleFile Firefox add-on is not affected by the lazy loaded content and saves a whole page with no pre-scrolling required. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14488081,5 年前The last update broke it for me. It will show a "Loading..." message but doesn't load anything. The log is all green. I have scrapbee across multiple profiles (with different backend ports) and they all behave the same way. Anything I can do to fix this?
** 1.10.2 update
Sorry, it is still broken, but in a different way. According to the log, the backend port will not change and stay on 9900, regardless of the settings indicating a different backend port number. Only the one profile which uses the port 9900 works开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Sorry for problem you met, please update to 1.10.2 to see if it works for you.
UPDATE: Ok, found the real problem, please update to 1.10.3 :) - 评分 4 / 5来自 Renincuente,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 ZZZzSazZZZ,5 年前ScrapBee helped me "recover" most of my Scrapbook files. Unfortunately some of my saved pages are no longer online and I see a 404 error instead.
There are additional steps after installing the extension. Go to ScrapBee's Configure or Settings page, then go to Install. You have to install the backend executable before you can add the filepath(s) in the Configure page. Once you're done with the filepath(s) section, click Save. I did not have to restart Firefox, but YMMV. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15247279,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Pascal,6 年前Many thanks for this add-on! At least I can access to my Scrapbook data. Do you intend to implement the possibility to add metadata and comments (like Scrapbook) and/or to capture webpages with files linked? It would be perfect. Already, the search function works very well (though I have a lot of data). Just, the Scrapbook comments are not included in the text searched, and it does not seem possible to localize the found items in the Scrapbee folders tree. Anyway, thank you again and please keep it up!
- 评分 4 / 5来自 etonne,6 年前very good tool, but :
1) Bug quand dans la page en cours de récupération des liens envoie sur des adresse inexistante erreur 404 le programme boucle indéfiniment
2) Il pourrait être souhaitable que les données d'initialisation du setting soit stockées dans un fichier texte de types scrapbee.ini qui serait placé dans le répertoire où se trouve l'exécutable de scrapbee
3) Par ailleurs il pourrait être intéressant que la saisie de l' url de la page soit systématiquement récupérer en même temps que la page.
1) Bug when in the page being retrieved links sends on non-existent address error 404 the program loops indefinitely
2) It might be desirable for the setting's initialization data to be stored in a scrapbee.ini text file that would be placed in the directory where the scrapbee executable is located.
3) Moreover, it could be interesting that the entry of the url of the page is systematically recover at the same time as the page
thank you for this tool - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14954834,6 年前Would it be possible to reduce the size of font in the left panel ?
EDIT : less than 100% and also reduce the line spacing. The aim is to have more items on the screen. The font size and line spacing of former Scrapbook add-on was more convenient I think. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 11089990,6 年前J'ai dit : "Ne fonctionne pas sur iMac 10.13.6 malgré de nombreuses tentatives." ERREUR de ma part !
En fait si ! j'ai bien tout refait comme indiqué, en tirant même la langue pour m'appliquer encore mieux et ça marche. J'ai sûrement dû sauter une marche par empressement de retrouver mon Scrapbook préféré.
Je teste encore un peu et ma contribution ne saurait tarder.
Merci mille fois.
2020/04/03 - Firefox version 74.
It does not work anymore. The pane opens, displays "loading" and then nothing. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't change anything either.
WebScrapBook is an incomprehensible gas factory so I have nothing left for now.
发布于 6 年前Can you describe details of the problem you met?
UPD: Sorry, I'm not sure if I do fully understand your words, but I'd like to provide some help if I could. So please email me with details (logs, screenshots and so on) if you need. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14746586,6 年前Good, I can now read my old scrapbook directory.
But I confirm v1.5.1 doesn't capture new page, it blocked with "don't close the tab during capture" message or something like that.
The v1.4.1 works like a charm.
Update 12apr2019
@ Victor Fence
I confirm I have no save of all tabs I select by Capture Page, all the time.
I have only "Please do not close the page while it being saved" on each selected page.
The "Capture Url" works fine.
I use Firefox Nightly on linux Kubuntu and my scrapbook directory is on an other partition.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Hi, I guess this problem does not happen on all the pages, and all the times, this usually happens on the page have not fully loaded. I am trying to make a higher success rate in next version. - 评分 4 / 5来自 南无阿弥陀佛,6 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14569034,6 年前Everything works fine and, contrary to other scrapbooks wannabes, this add-on offers the same work-flow as the legendary ScrapBook add-on.
It is also compatible with scraps scrapped using ScrapBook.
However, it only gets 4/5 because it offer no extra processing options of saved scraps like highlighting, adding notes or deleting elements.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thanks for review, and you are right, the main difference is lack of post processing, I plan to add this in the future.
UPD: Simple editing is added in version 1.4.1, please have a try.