55 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 LibreCR,9 个月前J'ai longtemps fait confiance à Startpage concernant la confidentialité de l'usage de mes données. J'ai appris que la société est détenue par System1, une entreprise spécialisée dans la collecte de données et le ciblage publicitaire.
Quelle cohérence ?
Je rejoints les avis en suspicion et me détourne de l'usage de vos services.开发者回应
发布于 9 个月前In January 2019, Startpage became a part of System1 and continues to be headquartered in the Netherlands. As promised, we have kept all our commitments never to change our privacy practices as well as adding more helpful private search features.
This article contains a detailed explanation on the various contractual privacy protections we’ve put in place as a System1 company:
And in an effort to provide further transparency we make available our private search data flow, detailing how personal data is protected:
Please contact us at support@startpage.com if you have further questions.
En janvier 2019, Startpage a rejoint System1 et son siège est toujours aux Pays-Bas. Comme promis, nous avons tenu tous nos engagements de ne jamais modifier nos pratiques de confidentialité et d'ajouter des fonctionnalités de recherche privée plus utiles.
Cet article contient une explication détaillée des différentes protections contractuelles de la vie privée que nous avons mises en place en tant que société System1:
Et dans un effort pour assurer davantage de transparence, nous mettons à disposition notre flux de données de recherche privée, détaillant comment les données personnelles sont protégées:
Veuillez nous contacter à support@startpage.com si vous avez d'autres questions. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Kaqxar,10 个月前The extension works, but the site itself is trainwreck. It recurringly thinks I am a bot, asks some questions, I need to solve a captcha, then it still denies all services. So basically there is no point in using this extension, because the service behind it is unreliable.
Do not use it, there are other, more competent and privacy respecting search engines.开发者回应
发布于 9 个月前Sorry you haven't had a great experience using our service. Our service is generally very reliable. We are subjected to automated abuse and scraping on a daily basis, which can be very costly financially and in terms of system performance. Accordingly, strong anti-abuse measures are a necessity, and we continually work hard to improve them. False positives are occasionally a reality: in some instances, normal users will set off one or more of our rules and be asked to verify they are not a bot.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@startpage.com if there is anything further you wish to discuss. - 评分 1 / 5来自 iiro,1 年前On Startpage you could or can see ads from Nord. At the same time, Nord promotes Startpage as the best search engine. However, in my opinion, Nord is anything but serious and does not really care about privacy.
In my opinion, Startpage has proven that the privacy of its users is not its top priority and I can only advise against using their services or add-ons.开发者回应
发布于 1 年前We have seen and heard some of the criticism about Nord and also know that many companies receive criticism. We believe that Nord ultimately wants to protect user privacy and their business depends on it. NordVPN has a large privacy-aware community and we think this partnership is beneficial for both companies and will help raise awareness about private search with Startpage.
As for our commitment to our users' privacy, our privacy infrastructure is unmatched in search, and our privacy policy has not changed since we were founded. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Sage,2 年前havent been able to use for days on and off because my ip was flagged/blocked, annoying. hope its fixed soon. startpage is my go-to for general browsing but features are more limited in things like maps and shopping
发布于 2 年前Sorry you’ve had difficulty using Startpage! Please write to support@startpage.com, who can help get you unblocked. And we’re working on enhancements to our maps and shopping offerings, so stay tuned.
As you may know, Startpage is subjected to automated abuse and scraping on a daily basis, which can be very costly financially and in terms of system performance. Accordingly, we have strong anti-abuse measures in place, which we continually work hard to improve. In some instances, normal users like you will set off one of our rules.
Thanks for your patience and for caring about privacy. - 评分 1 / 5来自 leric,2 年前Startpage war bis vor kurzem meine liebste Suchmaschine.
Jetzt kann ich allerdings wegen irgendeiner Überprüfung nach einer Captcha-Validierung, die dauernd fehlschlägt, keine Suchen mehr über Startpage tätigen und muss entsprechend andere Suchmaschinen nutzen. Das stört und da sich offenbar nichts tut, werde ich Startpage leider entfernen, kann keine Empfehlung aussprechen und muss mich nach einer funktionierenden Alternative umsehen.开发者回应
发布于 2 年前Startpage ist täglich automatisiertem Missbrauch und Scraping ausgesetzt, was sehr kostenintensiv sein kann. Daher haben wir strenge Maßnahmen zur Missbrauchsbekämpfung eingeführt, an denen wir aber auch ständig nacharbeiten. Hin und wieder treffen diese Maßnahmen aber eben leider auch legitime User, wie eben in Ihrem Fall.
Wenn Sie hier möglicherweise einen Fehler gefunden haben oder glauben, dass Sie fälschlicherweise gesperrt wurden, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns unter support@startpage.com zu kontaktieren. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Nachricht! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17699252,2 年前There is no option for a zero rating. I guess we don't have to worry about Startpage selling our data to advertising companies. They are there own advertising company. Much easier to just keep it all in-house.
Performance wise, its about the same speed as duckduckgo, the Amazon private search engine. It doesn't play well with security addons. Funny how software and addons that block trackers, ads, fingerprinting, etc. seem to interfere with Startpage. Pages don't load sometimes or load with errors, but disabling addons allows things to function normally. If I turn off all my adblockers, it works really well, almost as well as Google itself. Gotta wonder whats going on under the hood with Startpage.开发者回应
发布于 2 年前In January 2019, Startpage became a part of System1 and continues to be headquartered in the Netherlands. As promised, we have kept all our commitments never to change our privacy practices as well as adding more helpful private search features. We do not collect or share personal data with anyone, including other divisions within System1.
This article contains a detailed explanation on the various contractual privacy protections we’ve put in place as a System1 company: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/5194985436948
And in an effort to provide further transparency we make available our private search data flow,
detailing how personal data is protected: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4455570359188
Lastly, in regards to privacy add-ons, we generally find performance and functionality holds up pretty well with a host of different add-ons. If you are experiencing an issue with one or more of them, feel free to contact us at support@startpage.com. - 评分 1 / 5来自 KDV,2 年前very unfortunately, now their service and web site is down.
it was a really cool project with great prospects and promises...
R.I.P, Startpage开发者回应
发布于 2 年前Sorry you experienced an outage. We aren’t aware of any site downtime and no one else has reported any. It would be helpful for us to know what you saw, and when, so if you would be willing, contact us at support@startpage.com and let us know what your experience was. Thanks for caring about privacy! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17809626,2 年前Tartpage=StopPage !!!
Fuyez : Pas du tout adapté à firefox
Run away: Not at all suitable for firefox
Me demande souvent un CAPTCHA de fou !...
发布于 2 年前Clever! Hadn’t thought of StopPage 🙂
Startpage is subjected to automated abuse and scraping on a daily basis, which can be very costly financially and in terms of system performance. Accordingly, we have strong anti-abuse measures in place, which we continually work hard to improve. In some instances, normal users will set off one of our rules and be asked to verify they are not a bot.
At the time of your review, some users were experiencing a brief outage, a matter we quickly resolved. Please let us know if you continue to experience any issues. We hope you’ll choose to stick with Startpage. And if this works for you, maybe you would be open to reconsidering your rating.
Thanks for caring about privacy! 开发者回应
发布于 2 年前In January 2019, Startpage became a part of System1 and continues to be headquartered in the Netherlands. As promised, we have kept all our commitments never to change our privacy practices as well as adding more helpful private search features.
Please read this support article for a detailed explanation on the various contractual privacy protections we’ve put in place as a System1 company: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/5194985436948
In an effort to provide further transparency we make available our private search data flow,
detailing how personal data is protected: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4455570359188
Please contact us at support@startpage.com if you have further questions.- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13156335,2 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Publius Maximus,2 年前Several years ago I endorsed StartPage, but I dropped my endorsement when System 1 (an ad tech company) acquired both StartPage and the WaterFox browser. Beware. There is no telling what they may do with your data.
发布于 2 年前In January 2019, Startpage became a part of System1 and continues to be headquartered in the Netherlands. As promised, we have kept all our commitments to maintain all of our privacy practices as well as adding more helpful private search features.
Please read this support article for a detailed explanation on the various contractual privacy protections we’ve put in place as a System1 company: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/5194985436948
In an effort to provide further transparency we make available our private search data flow,
detailing how personal data is protected: https://support.startpage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4455570359188
And you can read Waterfox’s statement here: https://www.waterfox.net/blog/waterfox-has-joined-system1
Please contact us at support@startpage.com if you have further questions. - 评分 1 / 5来自 SuperFly,3 年前Become a Captcha-Pro with Startpage. Simply fill in a timed, multiple choice categorical questionnaire web-page detailing your specific VPN, ad-blocker or content blocker, device-identity changer, whether connected to TOR and other useful IDENTITY and TRACKING details - then its Captcha time. Time run out before you could finish the form and captcha? SURPRISE! Every time you use Startpage you fill out the questionable form and solve at least 1 captcha.
发布于 2 年前Unfortunately, Startpage is subjected to automated abuse and scraping on a daily basis, which can be very costly financially and in terms of system performance; a lot of that traffic originates on VPNs and TOR. Accordingly, we have strong anti-abuse measures in place, which we continually work hard to improve. In some instances, normal users will set off one of our rules and be asked to verify they are not a bot.
If you have been incorrectly blocked, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@startpage.com. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15142503,3 年前Yo tenía la extensión en español, pero de repente esta desapareció de mi navegador y al reinstalar la extensión solo me pone la versión en inglés, quiero de vuelta el startpage en español.
发布于 2 年前Nosotros solo proporcionamos Startpage Privacy Protection en Ingles y Alemán. Puede ser que hay otro problema con tu configuración o que instalo otra extensión. Por favor contacts nuestro equipo de apoyo a support@startpage.com y te podemos ayudar con las configuraciones para que tengas acceso a Startpage en Español. - 评分 1 / 5来自 halfAsleep0451,3 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 aths,3 年前It seriously shows ads first in the search results. I always need to scroll past the ads to reach the actual results. It refuses to show the search results & gets broken, when ads-block or similar extensions like no-script are in action. Quite unexpected behavior considering the name "private search engine".
发布于 2 年前Thanks for trying Startpage. Ads are how we are able to provide a free private service. It might interest you to know that the team has been hard at work overhauling and improving the search experience. Among those improvements launching this month will be a reduced-ad experience on mobile.
From time to time, we do test the performance of our search results with extensions like the ones you mention and we haven’t found any major issues. In responding to your comment, we tested with several, including NoScript, and were able to pull up results just fine. With NoScript, the menus above the results disappeared, but that is to be expected unless you add us as a trusted domain. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at support@startpage.com.
Thanks for caring about privacy! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13496425,3 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 11888982,3 年前Hängt sich während der Installation auf. Lässt sich nicht installieren.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Dark Thoughts,4 年前Having to solve a freaking captcha for every damn search, because I am using a VPN and / or private mode, is absolutely not reasonable.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16403751,4 年前startpage blockt wiederholt suchanfragen bei VPN Nutzung mit der Behauptung: "zu viele Suchanfragen in kurzer Zeit..."ein echtes nogo!
- 评分 1 / 5来自 MYOB,4 年前WARNING...SUSPECT SCaMMER/SPAMMER ADD ON....Works maybe one is a dozen times otherwise a stupid message appears asking how you are 'working'....personally think it is either a spamming system or a scamming system and have now blocked it from our devices. Also have doubts about authenticity of claims that user data is secure.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13126925,5 年前This is it. I done with this CAPTCHA checking :
Just checking ...
Settings Support Mail
As part of StartPage's ongoing mission to provide the best experience for our users, we occasionally need to confirm that you are a legitimate user. Completing the CAPTCHA below helps us reduce abuse and improve the quality of our services.
Thank you, The StartPage Team
Please enter the text below to continue using StartPage. - 评分 1 / 5来自 nytro,5 年前