Twitch NIGHT
New night mode for and mini fix ui
2 个用户
Matrix Rain
This add-on starts The Matrix rain from the movie The Matrix. Green Japanese language characters and numbers falls from the top of the screen.
2 个用户
YouTime Tracker
A productivity extension that hides suggested videos on YouTube as well as tracks time spent on YouTube. Reduce your mindless video-to-video clicking and be more aware of your time!
2 个用户
Ninja Alexa Rank Bar (Türkçe)
AlexaRANK Bar Tükçe olarak türk webmasterları için geliştirilmiştir hafif ve hızlı.
2 个用户
Makes Sponsored items hidden on
2 个用户
Данное расширение позволяет, находясь на одном из сайтов Евроопта (, и др.) видеть для каждого товара цены с других сайтов.
2 个用户
Start Dark Ducky
Search with the dark theme by default, even after clearing cookies!
2 个用户
Fixes pour Ajout d'un bouton "Suivant" et d'un bouton "Dernier episode" dans le select. Ajout d'un meilleur gestionnaire de suivi d'épisode que celui des "favoris".
2 个用户
Lucky Prince
Расширение игры legends-game. Подсветка объектов. Разворачивание чата. Фильтр чата. Подсветка талисманов. Умения и таланты. Починка вещей. И многое другое!
2 个用户
PA Word Fixer
Changes woife to wife. It sounds petty but it really annoys me when someone uses the word so instead of telling them that it bothers me I just wrote a simple script to remove it.
2 个用户
Youtube Ads Blocker
Remove all annoying ads from YouTube.
2 个用户
Strava Unit Converter
This allows you to view both units on your strava feed.
2 个用户
New Vibe
Vibe is an addon for New Tabs. It skins it to be a gif with a clock on it.
2 个用户
Full size photo viewer for
2 个用户
NoContext - Enable Right Click & Select Text
Bring back the right-click! Let me select text!
2 个用户
Solva Color
Cute pastel color themes for Twitter for Mozilla
2 个用户
Kupujem Prodajem Dark Mode
Ukljucite nocni rezim na sajtu Kupujem Prodajem.
2 个用户
YouTube Related Tab Switcher
Automatically switches to the Related tab on YouTube.
2 个用户
Organize all your resources
2 个用户 Switcher Switcher, Help you to set up a proxy easier. Please register an account from our site and this extension will help you to set up proxy
2 个用户
Epic Zeit
Epic way to sync timezones among colleagues, friends, and family across the globe.
2 个用户
Disable Translate Popup
Disables new languages popup in google translate integration.
2 个用户
BDO Time Conversion
Attempts to convert timestamps on the playblackdesert website to your local time.
2 个用户
Google Translate
Select text, right click, view results by Google Translate. Simple as that.
2 个用户
Modification of the color and font size - Zmiana koloru i wielkości czcionki -
2 个用户