Show a page action after a period of inactivity. Show a nice quote when the page action is clicked.
2 个用户
Revive Enchanced
This addon shows if the current game you are looking at is compatible with Revive.
2 个用户
Whose Your Daddy
When a website opens a link in a new tab, this add-on allows you to find the originating website just by clicking on the Back button from the new tab.
2 个用户
Video Tape
Allows you to tape most videos to the window so you can scroll around or read on while the video plays on screen.
2 个用户
Ampare Search This on Youtube For Quantum
Ampare Search This on Youtube is A Simple and Convenient Way To Search Any Selection Text on Youtube. It save time and headache when it comes to browsing the right song you like from the music chart and more. It great for smart and lazy people.
2 个用户
Improve HN
Adds additional functionality to Hacker News. Dark theme (and other style improvements), comment hiding, new comment counter.
2 个用户
YouTube Tracks
YouTube tracklist navigation.
2 个用户
Sets background in new Google Keep (from October 2018) to a light grey instead of white.
2 个用户
RTL Facebook
تصلح بعض المشاكل في الظهور 'من اليمين إلى اليسار' في فيسبوك؛ كمربع الكتابة أثناء المحادثة، والمنشورات العربية التي تبدأ بحرف غير عربي كالإشارات والابتسالمات.
2 个用户
Onliner Notifier
Уведомления о новых сообщениях в закладках на Onliner.by
2 个用户
Add-on for edump
edump is tools for developers. it can show various valuables from some programming language through an edump console window. It's very convenient and efficient. This add-on provide the edump's console window on your browser's developer tool window.
2 个用户
Pietsmiet.de Dark Mode
Fügt der Pietsmiet.de-Seite ein dunkles Theme/einen Nachtmodus hinzu.
2 个用户
自动展开豆瓣书评的 “没关系,可以显示全文”
2 个用户
В почтовом интерфейсе Mail.ru скрывает правую область с рекламой
2 个用户
Personalized Twitter
Allows you to enable/disable certain Twitter features.
2 个用户
Facebook hide video comments
Hides Facebook Video Comments
2 个用户
Removes pompous asshole Ben from your YouTube homepage
2 个用户
1 streaming series style 2024
Transformez votre navigateur avec le style unique de 1SeriesStreaming. Cette extension apporte l'élégance et le dynamisme de 1SeriesStreaming directement dans votre expérience de navigation, offrant une interface utilisateur attrayante.
2 个用户
Internal Link Collector
A Firefox extension that collects internal links from the current page. A Firefox extension that collects internal links from the current page. Bold internal links on webpages. The "Internal Link Colle" extension is a simple Firefox add-on that allow
2 个用户
Upload progress
This addon show upload progress bottom of page, now works ajax, just works on forms
2 个用户
Better UI
An open-source browser extension to make websites look more readable and user-friendly using CSS.
2 个用户
Speed up any youtube video 1.5 times.
2 个用户
2 个用户
Allow Copy Plus - 允许复制
2 个用户
GitHub Avatars
Increases the size of user avatars in GitHub issues and adds a name next to them.
2 个用户