Hide not ETV zero
Hide items without an ETV of $0.00 or no ETV showing. Only works if you also have the Vine Helper installed and displaying the ETV.
1 个用户
Remove All Annoying YouTube Reels Results from YouTube Search.
1 个用户
Fixes websites that became to featurefull
1 个用户
Customize Background
Customize Background the towering, snow-capped mountains, a lone warrior stands at the edge of a cliff
1 个用户
Hide your browser info | Protect your browser privacy while screen sharing, streaming, or browsing.
1 个用户
Cinematic for YouTube™
Transform your YouTube into a Netflix-style experience with cinematic video previews and an immersive browsing experience.
1 个用户
Atlantis Bitbucket Helper
Reformat Atlantis comments in Bitbucket Comment history so that atlantis gitops comments are shown in a chronological order. This improves readability in case of cut-off comments that are a result of the bitbucket comment max-character limit.
1 个用户
Minimal Internet: Auto-Reader
Auto-magically removes distractions from all websites. Read, focus, browse with The Internet As It Should Be. Click icon to toggle off at anytime.
1 个用户
YouTube Background Wallpaper
Enhance your YouTube loading experience with personalized background wallpaper. Set your favorite images to display while loading.
1 个用户
D&D Beyond - Owned Only
Adds a simple "owned" filter to the D&D Beyond sources page
1 个用户
Game of Life Extension
Conway's Game of Life Simulator with customizable themes
1 个用户
Remplace les formulations en écriture inclusive par leur équivalent en français
1 个用户
Add container name to title
This add-on appends the container name to the end of the page title. If you use Multi-Account Containers and a time tracking application, this add-on helps to separate browser activity.
1 个用户
Page Fold Marker
Displays fold markers on pages for printing guidance
1 个用户
Dysko Clock & Convert
Affiche l'heure exacte en superposition sur vos pages web
1 个用户
GPT Enhancer
Elevate your ChatGPT experience with tools designed to improve usability, organization, and productivity.
1 个用户
Change every post with Silkpost flair to other flairs on r/Silksong This project is not affiliated to Team Cherry, nor is affiliated to r/Silksong modteams.
1 个用户
Youtube NIGHT
New night mode for Youtube.com and mini fix ui
1 个用户
Dead Rat Replacer
Replace every image by a dead rat diploma
0 个用户
MAOL Dark Theme
Vaihda MAOL Läksyvihon väriteemaa.
0 个用户
Adds wearebuildingthefuture.com as a search engine.
0 个用户
The design of FaceGuard is intended to solve two problems. FaceGuard is a fun, free, unforgettable and fast password manager. FaceGuard features your choice of Protecting Partner on the Cover.
0 个用户
Replaces all text instances of Putin with lowercase putler
0 个用户
Apna Focus
A new tab extensions which replace new tab screen with your today's Main Focus, Weather and Time.
0 个用户
Twitch Footer Remover
Declutter twitch ui
0 个用户