Replace all image with Avmenise
0 个用户
Kanban ISI SIM
Adicionar o gerador de card personalizado do ISI SIM ao site Kanban.
0 个用户
Auto like for worldofcosplay.
0 个用户
Spotter, shedding light on fake news.
0 个用户
Better Neverthink.tv
Removes the obnoxious splash screen from Neverthink.tv.
0 个用户
Adds a button, that displays the current tab's URL as QR Code.
0 个用户
Rotten Tomatoes critic remover
Removes critics' opinions from the Rotten Tomatoes website.
0 个用户
Chesscom light theme clarity
Improves visibility of piece selection and legal move with light theme.
0 个用户
New Tab Automata
Replace your new tab page with a generative automata pattern.
0 个用户
LUC Sakai Improvements
Makes a few UX improvements to Loyola University's Sakai. Not affiliated with Loyola University Chicago.
0 个用户
Andy666 FuteMax
Basicamente consiste em uma serie de Javascript usados para desativar popups e anuncios do site, facilitando a navegacao.
0 个用户
Aiondestiny achievement timer
Исправляет таймер достижений для aiondestiny.im
0 个用户
YNAB Percentage view
Updates budget page to display percentage for each main category, based on your total month budget. Require a YNAB ( https://youneedabudget.com/ ) account.
0 个用户
Expats in saudia
Personal Blog.
0 个用户
Image Inpi Substitution
Replaces flash with images on inpi
0 个用户
Fix Franciscan Catering
A Firefox Web Extension to help improve Franciscan University of Steubenville's online order website.
0 个用户
Mediavida Enhanced Forum
Enhanced experience for Mediavida Forum. Remove ignored and moderated forum comments from view. https://github.com/hunkstalker/MV-Enhanced-Forum
0 个用户
Pataisome jums šriftą
0 个用户
Themify für Iserv
Ein dunkles Thema für Iserv.
0 个用户
SVM Phish version 2
This extension will protect naive user from phishing site it will notify users when user access phishing website. and ask whether to continue or go back
0 个用户
Displays like count under youtube thumbnails
0 个用户
Link prechecker
Prüft denn http-Antwortcode einer Seite, die ich noch nich aufgerufen habe, um das klicken von >300 Seiten zu vermeiden.
0 个用户
Replace all Gacha-words by a normal word
0 个用户
Modify the start page for new tabs
0 个用户
ScombZ Utilities ORION
ScombZ Utilities(https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/scombz-utilities/)の軽量版です。 使いにくいScombZのサイドメニューやテストを修正したり、ADFSボタンの自動スキップができます。よりユーザビリティに優れたScombZを提供します。
0 个用户