MyHordes Enhancer
MyHordes Enhancer improves your game experience on MyHordes. Based on Die2Nite_Enhancer created by Aymeric BEAUMET.
17 个用户
Minecraft Wiki Redirector
A simple extension to redirect traffic from to the maintained
17 个用户
Mentioned Videos for Reddit
Enhance your Reddit browsing experience. Explore related videos on any thread.
17 个用户
This Firefox extension embeds Destinys( Livestream on The extension is a hotfix and will probably break if the Youtube ID or embed div disappears.
17 个用户
Cast a Twitch stream to the Twitched Roku app.
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17 个用户
NFL Live Scores
Delivering lightweight, live scoring for the NFL.
17 个用户
Codenames Assistant
Codenames Assistant adds new functionality the online codenames card game, such as a notes sidebar and "Define" button.
17 个用户
RSI Star Citizen Status Checker
Checks to see the current Start Citizen server status
17 个用户
Steam U2T
Steam için USD/TL çeviricisi.
17 个用户
Character, Letter and Word Counter
WordCount Pro is a Firefox extension offering effortless counting of words, characters, and detailed text analysis directly in your browser. It features customizable options and seamless integration, enhancing productivity with a simple right-click.
17 个用户
Replace text across all websites using regular expressions. It's like find and replace for the entire internet! You can add patterns via the preferences pages and then when you load a website it'll replace all the text matching that pattern.
17 个用户
DailyGammon: Replace Text Line inputs with Area inputs.
17 个用户
Board Centralizer
Centralize every chessboard on all webpages.
17 个用户
The Lights Off
You can view the YouTube™ videos as though you were in a movie theatre.
17 个用户
Crunchyroll VPN refresher
Adds button to refresh page with region blocked content after VPN connection
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Chinese New Tab
Shows a random Chinese phrase when you open a new tab. For learning!
17 个用户 Anonymous Mode
Hide players' usernames, icons, and ratings on while in a game.
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Refresh your Fiverr tabs automatically every 30 seconds!
17 个用户
MTG Card Searcher
A quick 'n easy way to search for Magic The Gathering cards. Adds a directed search to the context menu (right click). With this, you can mark text with your mouse, right click on the text and search for the card.
17 个用户
Fangraphs Search
Search for players on Fangraphs quickly and easily. Auto-completes player names and takes you straight to player pages on Fangraphs.
17 个用户
Totally Awesome Roblox Extension
TARE adds many quality of life improvements to Roblox!
17 个用户
Removes the need to hover over beatmaps for additional information. The space is already there. Use it.
17 个用户
X-Change Life helper
X-Change Life helper - add sidebar with helper buttons
17 个用户
Refined Lgel
Simplifie l'interface de Loups-Garous en Ligne et ajoute de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Aussi sur Google Chrome :
17 个用户