Call of Duty Mobile for PC/MAC
Enjoy superb experience of playing Call of Duty: Mobile (COD Mobile) on PC and MAC.
17 个用户
An extension for to increase usability and automate tasks. Powered by
16 个用户
16 个用户
16 个用户
Mytube 为了 Youtube™
从 YouTube 中删除所有烦人的广告和横幅!
16 个用户
Travian Builder Bot 2024
Bu eklenti travian'da sizin yerinize istediğiniz bazı işlemleri yaparak işlerinizi kolaylaştırır.
16 个用户
Roblox Quick Access
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to access roblox website.
16 个用户
Ishtar MultiTool
Browse the Ishtar Collective website in your favorite language, and easily search for any content in the entire Destiny lore archive.
16 个用户
An extension to mute YouTube ads and unmute them when the ad is done as well as auto skip ads.
16 个用户
Tinker for Twitch
Control visual elements of Give yourself more control over what is displayed on Twitch. Tinker allows you to toggle visual elements of Twitch so you can get rid of distracting or unwanted elements.
16 个用户
MagicalGO Notification
MagicalGO のプッシュ通知を受け取ることができます。PC版とAndroid版のFirefoxに対応。
16 个用户
Displays the most popular cheers, jeers, and emotes used by the stream viewers on Twitch.
16 个用户
Gmail Email Sent Dark Souls style
Dark Souls style notification for Gmail. Receive epic "Email Sent" notification once you send you email in Gmail.
16 个用户
Lector Bibliotecas Ceibal
Este plugin te permitirá acceder sin conexión a todos los libros que hayas descargado de la Biblioteca Ceibal: podrás leerlos, consultar su vencimiento y eliminarlos. Para utilizarlo es imprescindible no estar conectado a internet.
16 个用户
Yet Another Fork of Feather. Feather is a keybind script for r/d gameplay in NationStates. Originally by sw33ze, tweaked by Alex.
16 个用户
3D Deer Hunter Games
3D Deer Hunter Games, Free Games, Deer Hunter Plus
16 个用户
Blender 3D 创作套件
创建动画电影、视觉效果、动态图形、交互式 3D 应用程序、虚拟现实和视频游戏
16 个用户
Jstris Companion
A simple extension for customising Jstris, this will allow you to change your skin, ghost, background, add a second key binding for all keys, and inject your own CSS/JS!
16 个用户
YouTube Time Tracker / Limiter
Take Control of Your YouTube Habits with YouTube Time Tracker and Limiter! Say goodbye to endless scrolling and binge-watching on YouTube. Stay productive by tracking your time and setting limits for a healthier balance.
16 个用户
16 个用户
Armoury Exchange ACS
Fork of Darktide Armoury Exchange ACS version shows all characters' items from both credits and marks stores Original addon here: See store here:
16 个用户
Fandom Wiki - Remove Sidebar
Removes the Fandom navigation sidebar because it pops open when moving a mouse between two monitors and stays open. I don't use it currently, but it could also be re-styled to be positioned horizontally.
16 个用户
Mobile user agent spoofer and screen rotation bypass to play the mobile version of Stream Raiders on the Mozilla Firefox desktop and mobile Firefox Beta.
16 个用户
YouTube TF2Classic-ified
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include images from the Sourcemod Team Fortress 2 Classic developed by Eminoma
16 个用户
SG's Better PvP Pardus Extension, TE
Keyboard actions for PvP in the online game Pardus. Trader Edition
16 个用户