Visitas Pirata 3.1
VisitasPirata 3.0, es una plataforma dedicada al Intercambio de trafico entre webs, blogs y redes sociales. De esta manera los miembros inscritos se pueden beneficiar de aumentar sus visitas en sus sitios webs ya la notoriedad en internet.
1 个用户
Shopee Purchase History Analyzer
Analyze your Shopee purchase history
1 个用户
Un'estensione del Browser che ti avvisa quando navighi su di un sito web con un cashback di
1 个用户
DNS Shop Поиск
░▒▓ in Russian only ▓▒░ Поиск цифровой и бытовой техники в магазине DNS
1 个用户
Price Part Picker
Display prices on
1 个用户
Расширение для выбора и хранения данных о товаре и последующую передачу выбранных товаров в корзину на сайте
1 个用户
Helps with house hunting on some real estate sites by displaying information more prominently (to avoid scrolling).
1 个用户
Resell Analytics
An extension to assist an existing account for managing inventory on our website by syncing third party data.
1 个用户
Das BetterShoop Add-on zeigt an, wenn eine Webseite am Cashback-Programm von teilnimmt.
1 个用户
Manage subscriptions, and get expiry alerts
1 个用户
Finds the best prices.
1 个用户
Price to Hours
Translates a website's prices to your time based on how much you make per hour.
1 个用户
Hold the companies you shop at accountable for sustainability. We evaluate companies to give you real time, easy to access information about their environmental practices. You may view our score for the website you are on by opening the extension.
1 个用户
PriceCheck shortcut
An extension for South Africa online shopping pages that generates a shortcut to search for the product on
1 个用户
Chrono24 Search
Automatically search Chrono24 with watch names highlighted.
1 个用户
PESTKILL Pest Control Products Reviews
PESTKILL is a powerful yet easy-to-use extension that lets you choose best products for pest control on a website reviews. Click on button and go to website. It's usefull and one-click.
1 个用户
Give you knowledge about how much cost of your time to buy a product.
1 个用户
A Cityfoodie kiegészítő lehetőséget nyújt egyéni szűrők beállítására a ételeihez (kalória, fehérje, szénhidrát, zsír), és vizuálisan kiemeli azokat az ételeket, amelyek megfelelnek ezeknek a beállításoknak.
1 个用户
Zing Price Checker
Ensuring you always pay the lowest price by comparing Prices across Amazon's European stores.
1 个用户
This extension looks at your current URL, and recommends BETTER product/service alternatives via an in-page pop-up.
1 个用户
Share a Wish - Extension
Save links to your Share-a-Wish Wishlist with ease.
1 个用户
Ayuda Sin Gastar
Tus compras ayudan! Esta extensión añade automáticamente el código de a cualquier enlace de Amazon, para que sea mucho más fácil donar con tus compras.
1 个用户
IcyPrice Price Tracker
View price history and track price changes for Amazon products, with free sales rank data!
1 个用户
1 个用户
Pogoń Szczecin - dodatek
Z tą wtyczką zrobisz „Dobre Zakupy” wspierające Pogoń Szczecin!
1 个用户