Mote Money
Get the most from your credit cards every time you shop
1 个用户
Cashback Alert by
Economisesti bani la cumparaturi online.
1 个用户
Helps with playing pizzaroulette using Just-Eat
1 个用户
RTL Quickpay
RTL-Quickpay is a browser extension, to make lightning payments quickly via Ride The Lightning App ( running on your local network.
1 个用户
나은 이마트
이마트 웹 사이트의 불편한 점을 고칩니다.
1 个用户
Apostoles Finder
Όλες οι αποστολές σας είναι εδώ! Συγκεντρώστε, διαχειριστείτε και ενημερωθείτε για όλες τις αποστολές σας. Το Apostoles Finder σας επιτρέπει να εντοπίζετε αυτόματα (ή χειροκίνητα) τους αριθμούς αποστολών σας από οποιοδήποτε σημείο αυτοί αναφέρονται!
1 个用户
Mercari Big Chaku Barai
Make the text "着払い" stand out
1 个用户
Remember to Smile
Reminds you to consider visiting instead of so that a portion of your eligible purchases' price will go towards a charitable organization of your choice. It stores no information about you or your browsing history.
1 个用户
Adds a map for books availability to
1 个用户
Find Amazon products locally. Save shipping costs, reduce CO2 emissions and help your local economy.
1 个用户
Southeast Asia Currency to HKD
Convert HKD to TWD, THB, IDR, USD, and GIP
1 个用户
Arbitrage Everywhere
Find unlimited arbitrage opportunities between any 2 websites with this profitable extension! Create profit-finding tasks in a few clicks, add custom buy & sell fees, scrape single or multiple products, and much more with this versatile extension.
1 个用户
Play Store Billing
Visualize and download all your expenses quickly from the Google Play Store!
1 个用户
Amazon sold filter
Shows only listings that include selling stats. As a side effect it filters out most of the sponsored offers.
1 个用户
Tipli v brskalniku
Tipli v brskalniku vas vedno obvesti, da lahko od nakupa prejmete vračilo kupnine.
1 个用户
Bemove avantages
Affiche vos avantages du club Bemove sur les sites partenaires
1 个用户
Badseller: порівняння цін
Порівняння цін на алкоголь в кращих магазинах України. Моніторинг зміни ціни, відгуки, промокоди, повідомлення про знижки.
1 个用户
Itch display information
Shows the information of a game in the left upper corner easily visible.
1 个用户
Price comparison directly in your Firefox browser - Get notified about lower prices for the products that you are visiting, exactly while shopping online. It displays the same products that are available for a lower price in other online stores.
1 个用户
Search Monster
Take Control of your web browsing!
1 个用户
Tweet Sig for Android
By clicking a button, you can post the contents of '#tweet-sig-in' or selection and copy the posted URL into '#tweet-sig-out' or clipboard. It is convenient for citation. The currently available message services are Twitter and Facebook.
1 个用户
Amazon Keep Smiling
Automatically redirect to so that Amazon will donate .5% of every purchase to your favorite charity at NO cost to you. Simply install, select your charity and shop like normal. Happy to announce Germany (.de) and UK ( support.
1 个用户
Цены в долларах на сайте
1 个用户
Smileshopping Spenden-Assistent
Der Smileshopping-Assistent schafft den "Umweg" über ab! Das heißt: Sie besuchen DIREKT einen Onlineshop und die Erweiterung weist sie daraufhin, wenn sie mit Ihrem Einkauf eine Spende vergeben können. Für Sie garantiert kostenlos!
1 个用户
Amazon Biblio JP 商品ページの書名の上に書誌情報を表示します。 このアドオンはBibliographerに名称変更しましした。今後のバージョンは以下で公開します。
1 个用户