Roll Credits Live for Streamlabs
Starts Streamlabs end credits when there is an activate=true URL parameter.
2 个用户
Dafilms + CSFD = ❤️
DAFILMS (Doc Alliance) extension adds a button within each movie detail to show information about ČSFD rating...
2 个用户
Block Sites For Work
Block Sites For Work removes the ability to access distractive websites by blocking their content from appearing, so it enables you to work with fewer distractions whenever you want. Three languages are available : English, French and Spanish.
2 个用户
YouTube Community Search
Allows Search of YouTube Community Posts - Search community posts seamlessly. - Filter by impressions, likes, date, like rate, and response rate - Easy to use interface.
2 个用户
A Firefox extension that allows you to block addicting websites and popular social media features like reels or shorts.
2 个用户
Smart Clippy
Copies tab title and URL to clipboard in the markdown hyperlink style.
2 个用户
VK Music Statistics
VK Music Statistics
2 个用户
Meeting helper
Shows attend time and leave time and live show who is muted, who's video off, absent members and extra members.
2 个用户
Emerald anti-spam
Mutes people who spam in emerald for a little bit. Works by monkey patching a function that recieves the messages.
2 个用户
Willhaben Fast Publish
Die "Willhaben Fast Publish" Chrome-Erweiterung automatisiert das Wieder-Veröffentlichen von abgelaufenen Anzeigen auf Willhaben, spart Zeit und erhöht die Effizienz. Unabhängig, nicht offiziell mit Willhaben verbunden.
2 个用户
WDYT? - What Do You Think Poll
Instantly rate and gather feedback during online meetings or livestreams. This extension allows participants to provide real-time ratings on a scale of 1-5, helping organizers engagement and improve meeting effectiveness or get viewer's opinions.
2 个用户
Codeforces Rank Percentile
Displays the percentile rank of a Codeforces user on their profile page.
2 个用户
SubmitFilesToChatGPT - Modified Layout
Reskin of A SubmitFilesToChatGPT. ALL CREDITS TO Oscar Junski, who made the original extension @:
2 个用户
Simple extension that adds an option to the context menu to open links to Reddit comments on in a new tab. for example will open
2 个用户
صححلي - أداة مقدمة من شركة صخر، تقوم بتدقيق نصوصك نحويا وإملائياً
2 个用户
Promote Facebook, YouTube, TikTok videos for free, get more followers, views, subscribers, likes, comments safely.
2 个用户
Click to call Rovereto
Menu contestuale per comporre un numero di telefono dinamico
2 个用户
Firefox screen-share enabler for the Chime WebApp
2 个用户
Sx2PWeB V1.0 - x2 ( HxN )
bypass user agent on Snapchat Web Any problem contact here - ( ) Virus Total :
2 个用户
Prohiring Magic Button
Ultimate hiring tool for recruiters
2 个用户
OpenComments for Firefox
Post public comments on any site. Be warned about possible scam sites. Own the Web. Let your voice be heard.
2 个用户
Hide Verified Users' Tweets
An extension for OldTwitter that Hides tweets from verified users.
2 个用户
Jekyller Blog Editor
To support writing, editing and managing the based Jekyll Blog, with Markdown Previewer.
2 个用户
找工作神器!这个时代最不缺的就是信息,最难的是怎么从大量的垃圾信息中提取出自己想要的!还在为招聘网站(智联/51job(前程无忧)/58/赶集/中华英才网/拉勾网/大街网)上的培训机构烦恼吗?搜索不到想要的信息?到处是培训机构的广告?不用怕,安装了FilterTraining,页面就会只剩下你想要的信息了~~暂时只收录了成都这边的培训机构,后续会增加到全国,以及自定义添加..敬请期待!有bug请反馈到 hudcan@sina.com或 QQ群 618387648 ,也请大家把知道的培训机构名称告
2 个用户
Chain Duck
Retrieve the URL of the active tab, and display the search result of Twitter. It would be easy to collect third party opinions.
2 个用户