Understanding the 1,000 words of a picture
2 个用户
Temer Golpista
Uma extensão para navegadores que muda qualquer texto de "MicheI Temer" para “Temer Golpista”
2 个用户
找工作神器!这个时代最不缺的就是信息,最难的是怎么从大量的垃圾信息中提取出自己想要的!还在为招聘网站(智联/51job(前程无忧)/58/赶集/中华英才网/拉勾网/大街网)上的培训机构烦恼吗?搜索不到想要的信息?到处是培训机构的广告?不用怕,安装了FilterTraining,页面就会只剩下你想要的信息了~~暂时只收录了成都这边的培训机构,后续会增加到全国,以及自定义添加..敬请期待!有bug请反馈到 hudcan@sina.com或 QQ群 618387648 ,也请大家把知道的培训机构名称告
2 个用户
这是一个用来查看弹幕的工具 目前仅支持在爱奇艺上使用
2 个用户
Jekyller Blog Editor
To support writing, editing and managing the github.io based Jekyll Blog, with Markdown Previewer.
2 个用户
Расширение для шифрования личных сообщений социальной сети ВКонтакте
2 个用户
Reddit comments button tweaker
FEW COMPATIBILITY PROBLEMS with "RES" extension! Resize or hide comment action (flat-list) buttons under each comment to reduce the clutter for easier reading. This addon won't change the buttons inserted by RES (Reddit Enhanacement Suite) addon.
2 个用户
Stop Peeking!
STOP PEEKING ! is a nifty Add-On or Browser Extension that allows you to send your message texts as and encrypted email that they can't read.
2 个用户
This extension helps to insert emojis into steemit posts Are you tired of looking for emojis in Steemit? Does it bother you to search, copy and paste? Steemoji helps you.
2 个用户
Color CA Votes
This extension changes colors in a California legislative vote (at leginfo.legislature.ca.gov) to show party affiliation of legislators.
2 个用户
Mokum share extension
Adds a toolbar button that you can use to share current page with images on https://mokum.place
2 个用户
Cut fbclid
2 个用户
Slack Groups
Organize your starred contacts in Slack easily
2 个用户
YouTube On-screen Hotkeys
On screen hotkeys for youtube, with ad fast-forwarding capabilities
2 个用户
Linkpack extension for Firefox
2 个用户
addLinkToMap on Booking.com
Simple addon that adds a link to Google and Open Street Maps on Booking.com website under the map on the hotel's page. That makes it easier to check your location, local transport options, shops etc. at your destination.
2 个用户
Visualize your page access. Let's trace a docuverse.
2 个用户
Turn any piece of writing into a tweet. Use machine learning to turn long text into one short sentence
2 个用户
The smoothest way to share company news to your team. Reinforce company identity, reduce information stress.
2 个用户
LOR panel
Simple navigation pane for linux.org.ru
2 个用户
Slack Beeegmojis
Makes emojis in Slack bigger so you can actually appreciate them.
2 个用户
Hides downvotes in Disqus. Not associated with or endorsed by Disqus.
2 个用户
SpaceX Next Launch
Do you want to know when is the next spacex launch
2 个用户
Github with batteries included
2 个用户
CommentGPT: AI Comment Assistant
CommentGPT uses AI and image analysis to create context-aware comments for social media. Works on all major platforms. Free to use.
2 个用户