SCOPDIAL enables click-to-call feature in the SCOPTEL IP PBX. SCOPDIAL sends a dial request to the SCOPTEL IP PBX server.
1 个用户
SideApp Ultra
SideApp Ultra Allows You To Open Websites In The Sidebar Or In A New Window.
1 个用户
Con la extensión benchmarkhardware podrás recibir las notificaciones de las últimas noticias, reviews,así como no perderte ninguno de sus directos a través del portal de Twitch.Además teniendo la extensión recibirás gratis,claves de juegos para Steam
1 个用户
Gender Changer
Gender ---> Changer To Change the World, Change the Words You Use! Ändert die Männliche ausdrucksform zu einer Weiblichen * z.b (Arbeiter zu Arbeiter*innen)
1 个用户
Sansürlü sitelerin yeni adreslerine yönlendirir. Yeni adresleri yoksa vekil sunucu (proxy) ile bağlanmanızı sağlar. Proxy için harici sunucu kullanılmaktadır. Tüm ilgili kodlara buradan erişebilirsiniz.
1 个用户
Ascribo arXiv annotation
This is a PDF viewer that allows users to annotate and discuss arXiv articles. This platform will help make academic articles more accessible by crowdsourcing paper reading. This extension (when enabled) will open PDF URLs in Ascribo's PDF viewer.
1 个用户
Princess Princess Twitter. Do little thing. Settings can enable/disable mute by 'u', or block by 'b'. auto update check with interval. Popup menu with head of each tweet list, and jump to 'near' for clicked one.
1 个用户
LastSeen Updater
Updates your LastSeen time with browser usage
1 个用户
Open source addon that adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to note a gift idea for an existing contact with current tab url embedded in your monica service.
1 个用户
Quick and easy emoji typing and substitution Start typing in any text box and use colon (:) followed by a search, to quickly lookup emoji. eg. ":poo" to search and add the poo emoji
1 个用户
TreeHouseTools 2.0
What is TreeHouse Tools? What can it do? It can share web page links, text from a web page and images from a web page. It will also open images in a new tab. It can translate selected text.
1 个用户
SendBeatsTo: Send Beats to Emails
SendBeatsTo: Send Beats to Emails lets you easily send beats to email addresses found on social media from your SendBeatsTo account.
1 个用户
Visitas Pirata 3.1
VisitasPirata 3.0, es una plataforma dedicada al Intercambio de trafico entre webs, blogs y redes sociales. De esta manera los miembros inscritos se pueden beneficiar de aumentar sus visitas en sus sitios webs ya la notoriedad en internet.
1 个用户
A minimalist client for posting from the awesomebar and receiving notifications. Requires a account.
1 个用户
Twitter Mobile video in tab
Permite cargar un video de twitter en una pestaña aparte para poder, por ejemplo guardarlo.
1 个用户
Vajra for Firefox
Vajra Safe Browsing is your first line of defense from Online Fraud, Phishing, Cryptojacking, Suspicious Emails, and Ransomware. For FREE. Creating a Safer Internet for Everyone
1 个用户
MTV’s Jerzdays
Jersey Shore Family Vacation is BACK with new episodes on MTV every Thursday… we mean every Jerzday! To celebrate, we’re helping you OFFICIALLY turn your Thursdays into JERZdays.
1 个用户
No Rohingya in Myanmar
Save Rakhine. This extension replaces the word 'Rohingya' with 'Bengali'.
1 个用户
Google Meet Caption Regex
Send a notification and plays a notification sound when a caption in Google Meet matches a certain regex or contains a word from user's predefined list. Works even when Google Meet doesn't have Notification permission and/or the Tab is muted.
1 个用户
Pogoń Szczecin - dodatek
Z tą wtyczką zrobisz „Dobre Zakupy” wspierające Pogoń Szczecin!
1 个用户
Send links from your desktop/laptop to your mobile using QR code generated by the app.
1 个用户
Online Play Isn't Rated
When you try to go to Reddit or Twitter, it'll give you the error screen that Minecraft gives you when you try to go to the Multiplayer screen for the first time.
1 个用户
Anti Stat Button Twitter
Removes the stat icon in twitter
1 个用户
ax2kar V1.0 - x2 ( HxN )
Azkarkm , remind you to recite and random Zekr Any problem contact here - ( ) Virus Total :
1 个用户
Babelio Anti-Quanti
Une extension supprimant toutes les statistiques, les classements, les notes, etc. de l'interface de Babelio.
1 个用户