redirect www.reddit to old.reddit
1 个用户
change volume of twitch video player by mouse wheel
1 个用户
Быстрый набор номера GXP16-21XX
Расширение интеграции компьютера с IP-телефоном
1 个用户
Copy a video link with the current time code via context menu to clipboard.
1 个用户
Acelera ZapZap
Pequena extensão para aumentar as velocidades dos áudios em
1 个用户
seen it all
Dismiss links you already glossed over.
1 个用户
Twitter Focus
A web extension that allows you to hide the feed and what's Happening panel on Twitter so you can focus and control your experience!
1 个用户
GC Labs Web 통합 결과 조회 서비스
Saving your login details, and with only one click, you are in the websites.
1 个用户
Scjvb postpoetser
Maak posts van Scjvb leesbaar.
1 个用户
With the extension, you can easily view the repositories and projects a user has contributed to on GitHub and quickly jump to the corresponding pages on the OpenSauced platform.
1 个用户
Generate short-lived, human-readable URLs in one click. Official browser extension for Shortener.
1 个用户
Eazy-Chat 直连版·Chat-GPT聊天机器人
Eazy-Chat 直连版GPT聊天机器人,是一款基于的GPT算法开发的聊天机器人,具备较高的智能度和语言理解能力,可以进行智能问答、闲聊、教育咨询等多种交互,为用户提供更加便利和快捷的服务。系统聊天记录不会被上传到第三方服务器,用户的隐私得到了更好的保护。
1 个用户
Putin The War Criminal
Interesting fact: Vladimir Putin is a war criminal, and this addon will ensure he's always labeled as that.
1 个用户
Survey class: For Google meet
This add-on will calculate how many times a person in the google meet responds using chatbox and by then it will show frequencies of responses in a 'table' form.
1 个用户
Тренуйся швидкому і грамотному тайпінгу на диктантах з української мови
1 个用户
YT Playlist Length
It will Show the analytics of a Youtube Playlist
1 个用户
Twitter Sidebar Button Hider
Simplify Twitter sidebar UI
1 个用户
DataSpider AI - 智能数据采集器
1 个用户
Diplodoc Beta
Share your notes and connect with others on Moodle!
1 个用户
Save Images on Pinterest
Easily bypass right-click and image download restrictions on Pinterest.
1 个用户 user posts ratings
Add-on allows users to rate other users posts by placing like under user post.
1 个用户
1 个用户
Irregular Verbs List
this extension contains the list of the irregular verbs in three forms
1 个用户
InterPals Missing Chats Conjurer
Allows you to revive missing conversations on This is an NOT an official InterPals software.
1 个用户
quick links i guess
quick extension so i don't need to search for zoom links
1 个用户