Drop Feeds RSS 的评价
Drop Feeds RSS 作者: dauphine-dev
48 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 EvaUnit02,7 年前I was missing the Sage RSS reader since Firefox Quantum came out, I used it for years. Mad props to the extension developer for cooking up a modern replacement.
If you could please add the option to set custom hotkeys to a open/close the Drop Feeds side-panel (eg Alt+Z) that'd be great. Thanks in advance.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your review.
About hotkeys I am afraid I can't make custom hotkeys because in Webextensions (quantum addon way) hotkeys are hardcoded in manifest.json file, I will take a look to see if I can found a workaround but without guaranties. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14201105,7 年前I love this extension. Tried others that were not nearly so nice and have been looking for a replacement for Sage for a long time. Just happend upon yuour extension a couple of months ago. My only, and I mean only, issue is that the "discover feeds" feature seems to have stopped working on my 61.0.1 (64 bit) Firefox. I don't know if that has something to do with the last update or not. It formerly worked but does not now -- at least for me. It starts to search, then the colored progress bar moves just a little way and stops. It's a feature that is greatly helpful as many sites seem to hide their RSS feeds, so if there is a fix, or a way around it, i would sincerely wish to know. Regardless, thanks so very much for this extension!!!
PS. Thanks so much for the prompt response. My version was 0.8.2d. Updating to 0.8.2e fixed the issue perfectly. Thanks again for the great extension!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your feed back.
Please can you check you Drop Feeds version ?
Tell me what is you version.
I made a fix for that in 0.8.2e.
If you already have 0.8.2e then I will need your help because I not reproduce this issue. And if not then update to 0.8.2e.
You are welcome :-) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14189795,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14120956,7 年前I'm so happy there is a great replacement for my beloved Sage++ now! Thanks a lot!
A few minor things I noticed:
1. drag-and-drop of a feed into the main window tries to open www."Feed-ID".com instead of using the URL
2. the initial width of the sidebar on high-DPI systems could be a bit wider (the "Open options tab" icon is slightly cut off)
3. the feed item list could use some pixels of spacing in front of the item number
4. the vertical scrollbar on the feed item list rarely activates itself, often need to resize between feed list and feed item list to make it show up
5. it would be nice if the feed item list tooltip would also show the the headline (like Sage++ did)
6. sometimes the feed item list tooltips contain a lot of leading whitespace
7. the parsing of headlines for the feed item list seems to have problems sometimes, currently visible with todays DailyWTF entry: http://thedailywtf.com/rss.aspx
Edit#1: 7. is easy to see once you mark all as read. Today the second entry should stay "dark black" and you won't see a leading "2. ". Note this is only in the feed item list, in the main window the feed is rendered just fine.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your feed back :-)
I will see what I can do for your all few minor things you have noticed (not may be not on 0.7 but on 0.8 then you will have to wait a little..)
I have create the issues on github
If you want you can modify/improve them
About (7.) I can't see what it the issue with DailyWTF, may be you can add a screen shot on git hub. - 评分 5 / 5来自 LorenzoLamas,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14087380,7 年前Drop Feeds is the only good replacement for Sage that I've found. The one thing I miss is: I haven't found any way to use my own style sheet (with Sage, you could link to a CSS file). Does anyone know how to do that?
发布于 7 年前Thank you :-)
Drop Feeds is still in development (is flag as experimental), this feature is scheduled for '0.9.x Adding option to add custom theme' see the road map here :
https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds/blob/master/road-map - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14079953,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 goliathz,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14062959,7 年前Greate! I thank to you I can exit from ESR 52.
Current program displays feed description as tooltip by using stylesheet. But I suggest to display tooltip by set discription in 'title' element. So, tooltip box may not restrict position in items list.
Thank you For Response.Sorry, [ 'title' element ] is wrong. [ 'title' attribute ] is right.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your feedback :-)
About "set discription in 'title' element" : I don't know this way, I will take a look and may be change that on a next version.
I just made a quick test, you are right it is very better, I will do that more properly and a new version will come soon, I guess.
About "Thank you For Response.Sorry, [ 'title' element ] is wrong. [ 'title' attribute ] is right." : No problem, I had understood.
It is done in 0.7.10, than you for you suggestion ;-) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14053747,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14048405,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14037297,7 年前So far this is an absolutely amazing job!
Noone else seemed to be willing to pick up and fix a proper new Sage. So thank you very very very much ;)
I do miss an option to use my own theme, but I guess we can't have it all, or a least not at this stage yet.
Again thank you so much for your hard work, keep it up :)
EDIT: Thank you for your developer reply, I've edited my review to give 5 stars to reflect how much I appreciate your reply, and again the time and effort you're putting into this, again THANK YOU开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your feedback.
You can have your own theme,
but for now, you have to do a pull-request on GitHub like Jeff T. has already done by adding the sage_sc theme.
I will think to add option to do that, but I think it will be after many things I have already planed to do. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13978806,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Tim Schutte,7 年前Before upgrading to Firefox Quantum, I used SageRSS to read my favorite news sites, and I was very disappointed that it would not work after the browser upgrade. I started using Firefox's 'live bookmarks' function, but there is no way to mark an entire site 'read' unless one clicks on every story. Then I found Drop-feeds. This add-on is excellent--it does everything I need!
Thanks to the developers for a great add-on! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13312508,7 年前Yay, very usable already Sage++-like. Keep up the good work! (version 0.3)
Update: Very nice progress for the last 3 months! (version 0.74)
Update2: Thank you for adding middle-mouse click to open items!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you :-)
About middle-mouse click I will look what I can in 0.7
middle-mouse click is now available in 0.7
It should be work on 0.7.x
I don't know, may be a OS or mouse driver setting is priority on the webextension.
(please add a black line and an 'Edit:' tag when you change your comment, mozilla send a notification when a user put stars, but send nothing when a comment is added or modified, then some time I check for new/modified comments, I has almost missed your change)
I think I have misunderstood, I have added middle-mouse click to open feeds (in the background), but what you want is middle-mouse click to open item (in the background). I will add that on the next version (0.7.7, I guess)
middle-mouse click for items articles is now available in 0.7.7 - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 11640498,7 年前What a nice surprise! I like it! It is a tiny lightweight add-on, around 90KiB in contrast to other heavy RSS reader add-ons. But it needs some improvements and options for:
1. A 3-pane view (Source, Title article, View article)
2. Title article pane, showing just a clean list of titles (not rectangles)
3. All title article showed in just 1 pane. Present layout opens a new tab for every source. I have more than 200 RSS sources, so it is unpractical for me to open a tab for each source.
4. More scanner threads to speed up the "check feeds".
Thank you!
PS: Arising to 5 stars considering 0.2 updates. But I still dream on the 3-pane view layout (3 columns, one for RSS sources, another column for article titles, and the third column for view selected title). Thank you again!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for you feedback.
About 1, 2, 3 I try to do some thing close to Sage++ (a RSS extension was available on previous Firefox versions <57) and it is one single tree view in a side panel, and opening each feed in one tab.
But yes, I will think if I can make options to let the user choose how he want to display his feeds. But not right now, before I have to fix many defects, and continue to add missing feature was available on Sage++.
About 4, yes you are right. In fact I have done that (many check threads) but there was some issues, then I have deactivate this feature for now. I will reactive it soon as it will fixed.
It is tagged "experimental", because for now there are many things to improved ;-)