Drop Feeds RSS 的评价
Drop Feeds RSS 作者: dauphine-dev
13 条评价
- 评分 4 / 5来自 onesolo2,5 年前Thkx for the excellent addon!! At last a true Sage alike addon. Only one problem, when I export to opml, I have a lot of directories and sub-directories, the directories schemes are not saved and the RSSs get all to be on the same "directory" (or root). Can you fix this, please?!
发布于 5 年前I have just checked on my side folders are exported.
Please can you open a ticket on GitHub (https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds)
and paste a full export, and an opml export in the ticket.
(Or the folders are exported, but the target application doesn't manage the folders ?) - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14744526,6 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14743775,6 年前一部不満(更新の判定にSageではなくSage++ (Higmmer's Edition)の方を参考にしていると思われる挙動)があるものの、Sageの代替としてまあ満足
- 评分 4 / 5来自 mr.hornung,6 年前it seems like i finally found a good replacement for my old rss-reader, so thank you for your work.
however, i have two issues:
1. i can't seem to be able to find a way to delete single articles within a feed. the second column which shows them has no button for that, and when a right-click an article, the context-menu also doesn't offer a delete option. am i just stupid or is there no such feature?
2. in the same column, the "open unread feeds in new tabs" doesn't do anything.
if those could be resoved, i'd be happy to give 5 stars.
my setup, by the way, is firefox 64.0 on linux mint cinnamon 19.1 64 bit.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thank you for your feedback:
About 1.: You can delete feeds (feeds are hosted by Drop Feeds), but not articles, because articles are hosted by the the feed provider not by Drop Feeds, but you can mark them as read (may be I can add an option to hide read articles ?)
About 2.: You have found a bug ;-) I will fix that on a next version -> https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds/issues/92 -> it is fixed in Drop Feeds 0.9.3c
About 1: Now Drop Feeds 0.9.4 has an option to hide visited articles (the strikethrough eye icon) - 评分 4 / 5来自 The_Mick,6 年前I like this RSS app best of those that have appeared since Firefox stopped providing it because you can put your feeds in folders (ABC News, BBC News, etc.) and get a simple, 1-line-each headline so you can scan a lot at one glance
I also like Feedbro, but it uses up so much space and repeats so many headlines, sometimes I can only see 5 different stories among the 14 headlines it shows.
Drop Feeds also repeats headlines frequently - somehow the old Firefox did NOT do that, but the longer list makes it less objectionable.
You can either use the RSS/Drop Feed Icon that may appear in the URL box or click Drop Feed's Open Options Tab and select "Subscribe by URL" and enter the URL - I had to do that for ABC News RSS feeds.
I wish it really used a "drop down box" instead of a sidebar, which is how you could organize them in the old Firefox RSS.
One serious improvement should be that when you click on a headline the article will appear in a Firefox tab. Currently you have to click on the headline and then click on the article that appears the the bottom of the sidebar to get it to open in a tab.
A minor problem is that you can't initially do anything with a folder after you create it. You can only change its position in the list and put feeds in the folder if there's already at least one feed in the folder - which can be done in the subscribing step.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thank you for your feedback.
You said:
1. One serious improvement should be that when you click on a headline the article will appear in a Firefox tab. Currently you have to click on the headline and then click on the article that appears the the bottom of the sidebar to get it to open in a tab.
2. A minor problem is that you can't initially do anything with a folder after you create it. You can only change its position in the list and put feeds in the folder if there's already at least one feed in the folder - which can be done in the subscribing step.
About 1.
I not sure to understood well.
There are many way to use Drop Feeds.
a. you can open feed in a Firefox tab and the click on a article headline and the article will be opened in a Firefox tab
b. you can display feed (list of article headlines) bottom feeds treeview in the side bar and click on a article headline and the article will be opened in a Firefox tab
c. you can display feed (list of article headlines) bottom feeds treeview in the side bar and click on a article headline and the article will be display in the side bar bottom the feed (list of article headlines), and then click on the article headline to open it in a Firefox tab.
d. different mix of options above...
Looks in Settings/Items and/or Settings/Content area to change displaying articles and feeds options
About 2.
I will look what I can do
You can create an issue on https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds, then you can add a picture to see me what you want exactly about 1.
In Drop Feeds 0.9.4 folder drag and drop has be improved, now it should be work - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13234610,6 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14374652,6 年前It looks like this will be a good replacement for Sage in time. It is very nice to have a sidebar feedreader back. However, it seems to still be rather buggy. I wasn't able to change the folder it used from Drop Feeds to my old RSS Feeds folder for example, nor to the old default Sage Feeds folder.
One major downside is that it doesn't allow you to use Livebooksmarks in the way that Sage did. This was an issue with the reader I had before Sage, but thought it had always worked with Sage. However, I'm finding this MIGHT be due to a Firefox issue, so I'm not taking a point off the rating for it.
That said, it doesn't have all the features of Sage, including some moderately important ones like a way to mark all items in a feed read with a button.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thank for your review and you support.
About :
- "it doesn't allow you to use Livebooksmarks in the way that Sage did":
Yes you are right. When I have started Drop Feeds I have tried to use Livebooksmarks, but with WebExtension API I haven't access to Livebooksmarks url, without url I can do nothing, then I have use classic bookmarks (but may be I have missed some thing, if any one reading that know then please tell me, but any way If I have well understood Livebooksmarks will be stopped in Firefox 64)
- "I wasn't able to change the folder it used from Drop Feeds to my old RSS Feeds folder for example, nor to the old default Sage Feeds folder":
Yes, you are right again. It 's because Sage was using Livebooksmarks, and like I said upper Drop Feeds can't manage them correctly with WebExtension API.
Then you have use OPML export from Sage and OPML import in Drop Feeds.
- missing important features like a way to mark all items in a feed read with a button.
To see the the items toolbar you have to check the option "Items/Feed item list toolbar", you will get a button to mark all items in a feed read.
But may be I haven't understood what you talk about, then me more about, and I will add the missing feature in the next version.
Thank you :-) - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14091313,7 年前This is a good replacement for Sage, however the only reason I am giving it 4 out of 5 stars instead of 5 is because I have a couple issues with it. First, I usually have to click the Drop feeds button twice for the sidebar to open up. Second issue is that it doesn't seem to work right with the Tom's Hardware RSS feed. Just shows the same article multiple times. Didn't have that issue with Sage or Brief.
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your support.
And thank you for reporting issues, it is important it helps me to make Drop Feeds better.
I will take a look at that and see how I can fix that.
1. about "click the Drop feeds button twice for the sidebar":
- I can't fix that, because "browser_action" button is not designed (at Firefox level) to open the side bar but a popup window. Then Drop Feeds uses a workaround to open the sidebar, but this implies that when Drop Feeds is not loaded to click twice.
2. about "...with the Tom's Hardware RSS feed. Just shows the same article multiple times.":
It is fixed in 0.7.13
About "click the Drop feeds button twice for the sidebar":
It is fixed in 0.9.4alpha1, available here: https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds/releases
It will be available on AMO when 0.9.4 will be ready. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14029943,7 年前Mark feeds as read now works perfectly, thanks for the swift service! :) I have another mainly cosmetic suggestion that I used to have in Sage: the option to add a divider line in the feed list in the top left section. I have sorted my feeds by theme (e.g. News, Entertainment, IT, etc.), and with Sage, I could add a divider line between the themes. These lines then disappeard once I've clicked the last feed above the line. True, it's not necessary really, but it makes for a nicer view. :) Any chance of that happening? Once again, thanks for the great work on this!
发布于 7 年前About mark all items as read before leaving feed:
I look what I can do, I think I will add an option for that (but it can take a while (or not, you will see ;-)), because I am working on other stuffs)
About mark all items as read before leaving feed:
In 07.17 I have added an option to mark all items as read before leaving feeds, you can found it, in Options/Items
About "add a divider line in the feed list in the top left section"
I not sure to understood what you want, may be you can share a screenshot. To report bugs, or to request new feature, it is better if you do that on GIT (https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds) in the section issue, because on GIT I will get a notification, here I will not (in fact I get one only for the a new comment but not when a old has changed, but some time I take a look just like now) - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14075005,7 年前Hello, as a former Sage user I'm highly pleased to find this extension and looks very promising, but I have a problem. I have selected my old sage_feeds folder and most of the feeds aren't recognized and are shown as empty folders. The shortcut ctrl+shift+z doesn't work, either.
**EDIT** Ok, it seems that is FF which has broken my feeds. I'll try to recover them. Thanks anyway!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前About 'empty folders' I had a similar problem a few month ago, it was caused by 'Firefox sync' .
About 'ctrl+shift+z' I will take a look.
Thank you for you feed back.
In 0.7.12, I have the shortcut from 'Ctrl + Shift + Z' to 'Ctrl+Shit+U' (because 'Ctrl + Shift + Z' was interfering with Firefox shortcut 'Ctrl + Shift + Z': Redo) - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14018408,7 年前Than you for the "show sidebar" ; I can access to drop feed ; but I have not the icon (not in Personalize menu)
发布于 7 年前The icon is a green drop, you should see it.
If not, then you can click on the 'Show sidebars' icon
from Firefox in the top left conner, and in select Drop feeds in the sidebar list
What is your configuration (OS, Firefox version, installed extensions, ....) ?
I will try to reproduce your issue (the missing icon).
In Firefox 56 I had disabled the icon, because features (open/close the sidebar) associate with it didn't work in Firefox 56. Then if you use Firefox 56 there is no icon.
For Firefox 56 users, in 0.7.2, I have just enabled the icon and it shows a message to explain how to process.