Drop Feeds RSS 的评价
Drop Feeds RSS 作者: dauphine-dev
48 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Seän "Frostbyte" Shepherd,3 个月前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Seän "frostbyte" Shepherd,2 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 it1804,2 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Crook,3 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16498015,3 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Adverb,4 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Vedun,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 mrp_x,5 年前All good!
Except I'd like to be notified if there are news. Don't notify me about "no feed has been updated" ... at least make it optional.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Thank you for the review, I will look to do that optional.
Edit: In Drop Feeds 1.0.3 you can disable it from Settings/Update checker/Don't notify if no feed has been updated - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12280781,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 VisualDigits,6 年前Super! I use it on a daily basis for reading the news since many years now.
I wish this addon would also be greenlighted for android now. - 评分 5 / 5来自 jkincaw,6 年前Thank you for making Firefox great again!! Sage was my main window to the news, and nothing else worked as well for me.
I got hooked on the 3-pane, text-oriented format while reading the Tidbits newsletter in setext form. It packs the most info on screen. - 评分 5 / 5来自 wilgoe,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Adrian Jones,6 年前This is a worthy replacement to Sage, thank you for developing it.
However, just recently, when clicking on a site, the feeds open in another tab. This didn't happen previously, and I can't find anyway to stop this happening
Thank you for the explanation, this and the update have fixed the problem.
Many thanks.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Hi Adrian Jones,
Have you tried:
- Settings/Content area/Render feeds -> to enable/disable Drop Feeds to render (open) a Feed in a tab ?
- Settings/Content area/Always open new tab -> to enable/disable Drop Feeds to render (open) a Feed in a new tab (because you said "in another tab", I guess it is the setting that you want, or may be "Reuse Drop Feed tab") ?
I have just saw that there is an issue with "Reuse Drop Feed tab", it will be fixed on next version
Than you ;-)
The fix is available here:
Any way, if everything is fine I will push this version Wednesday on AMO
The fix is now available in 0.9.5 on AMO
Why 2 stars removed, there is anything else that I can improve ? - 评分 5 / 5来自 PsiloFX,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14573568,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14498869,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14491606,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 kalel0,6 年前Bon module de lecture des flux RSS, très utile dans l'optique de la suppression des live bookmarks, il s'inspire de Sage mais je le préfère car il y a des réglages personnels, ce qui manquait cruellement à Sage Ce module est toujours expérimental mais, mème si il y a des bugs et des améliorations à effectuées,il est constamment mis à jour et a déjà beaucoup progressé Bref il est très encourageant et promis à un bel avenir lorsque Mozilla aura supprimé les live bookmarks. bon; j'ai été pingre, j'ai rajouté une étoile. Le gros bogue que j'ai rencontré est, que lorsque j'ai voulu m’inscrire à certain flux, le popup qui apparait pour choisir entre les différents d'un même site s'est mal affiché (il est resté minuscule et vide) et que j'ai donc dû appuyer au hazard à l'intérieur pour pouvoir afficher la fenêtre du flux et l'ajouter. Edit ; comme je l'évoquais sur certains sites la détection de flux est difficile, certain ont carrément supprimé la fonction rss au profit des réseaux sociaux (ces mêmes réseaux qui perdent des millions d’utilisateurs à force de scandales et sont de vrais dangers pour la démocratie). Pour d'autres cela relève du jeu de piste, je pense à allociné par exemple où lorsque tu as finis par enfin trouvé les liens rss, tu dois cliquer dur une bulles vide pou trouver le flux qui fonctionne ! Mais je pense que dans ces cas, cela relève plus d'un désintérêt pour la fonction rss au profit des réseaux sociaux, choix sur lequel certains pourraient revenir si les gens continuent de se désabonner massivement face ç ces profiteurs et incubateurs de nazis. Edit 2 : better than Live Bookmarks and more efficient.
发布于 6 年前Merci pour le retour :-)
Sinon, pourquoi les 2 étoiles en moins ? (que faut il corriger/améliorer/ajouter ?)
- Ça le fait lors de l'abonnement à un site en particulier ?
- Utilises tu un thème ou autre ?
- Sinon peux tu me donner n'importe quelles info à laquelle tu penses afin que je puisse reproduire le soucis ? Comme ça je pourrais faire une correction, merci :-)
ok, comme par exemple pour:
- http://rss.allocine.fr/ac/actualites/cine
je vais voir si je peux y faire quelque chose, (comme par exemple mettre un texte par défaut lorsque le titre est vide)
Sinon l’icône RSS vert sert à s'abonner aux flux publiés (officiellement visibles), et la loupe tente de détecter les flux cachés, mais il est vrai qu'elle ne détecte rien sur Allociné, je vais vois s'il possible d'y faire quelque chose (ou pas...) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13487987,6 年前This RSS-feeds-manager needs a 3 vertical column layout, one for feeds, another vertical column for article-titles, and the third one for article-content. Also it needs a dark theme.
I will wait for this upgrades, and then I will raise my stars.
EDIT - ANSWER TO THE DEV: All the most used RSS-feeds-manager has a 3 vertical column layout. IMO it is a must. Please, take a look at FeedBro, NewsFox and others, and you will see that the 3rd vertical column layout is perfect, and works perfect. At this layout, normally the column-widths are customizable, so there is no problem at all with visibility. Users decide each column-width. The benefit of this layout is the possibility of having a larger vertical list of feeds in the first column, a larger vertical list of titles in the second column, and one article-content in the third column, everything in one screen at the same time. Your add-on doesn't allow that. Please, take a look over the most used add-ons, perhaps you can be inspired by these add-ons.
EDIT 2: I rise my qualification to 5 starts, regarding the excellent attitude of the developer "dauphine-dev". He seems an open-mind person, open to suggestions, and willing to improve his add-on based on user requests. Congratulations and thank you.开发者回应
发布于 6 年前Thank you for you review and your requests :-)
Drop feeds has already 2 vertical column layout one for feeds, another vertical column for article-titles (option Items / Feed items list).
I will think to add a 3rd column for article content (but I am not sure it is good idea because articles will display in small area, and will be difficult to read, but if it is what users want, then I will do it)
Yeah you are right, Drop feeds needs a dark theme.
But these improvements will not come on the next version 0.9 (close to be ready and coming soon) but may be in 0.9.1 or 0.9.2 you will see ;-)
Like as I said I will do it (3rd vertical column layout), and yes I will take a look to other RSS addons.
Thank you :-)
- I have take a look to FeedBro but I haven't the 3rd layout in the left column, but may be I haven't look well.
- I have tried too to take a look to NewsFox, but is not compatible with actual Firefox version, and I have tried to install it on Firefox 56, but unfortunately it has failed (I haven't investigate why...), then I haven't no example to base on, and see what you expect exactly...
- Any way I have made a 3rd layout, it is available on github: https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds/releases/tag/0.9.1alpha4 . If you have any remarks please tell me in the discussion thread devoted to this development here : https://github.com/dauphine-dev/drop-feeds/issues/64
Have fun with Drop Feeds 0.9.1alpha4 ;-) (it is a incomplete work, but it is a working version)
The 3rd layout and dark themes are now available in Drop Feeds version 0.9.1 - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14269495,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14267794,7 年前Thank you so much for an add-on that reproduces the Sage experience! I was stubbornly refusing to upgrade from FF 52 and wondering what the hell I was going to do when it finally stopped working. You've made a wonderful contribution here!
Question: is it possible to change font sizes? In both the items list and the article view panes I'm used to much smaller fonts, which I like because then I can see more at the same time.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your review.
About changing font sizes there isn't option to do that for now.
But you can edit the css files to change font size, and load Drop Feeds like a temporary addons from "about:debugging" tab.
If you want a permanent change you can make a pull request on github with a new theme with a small font.
For the far future, I will think how to add an option.